First Day of Week

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dennis Marks
  • Start date Start date
MS thinks America alone has a Sunday week start. Internally monday is the week start but US has a special day.
If you are one to care about religious history then be aware that god
supposedly rested on the seventh day - and that is supposed to be Sunday -

Saturday, actually -- in Judeo-Christian beliefs anyway. The Jews who
split off to form Christianity chose the first day of the week as
their holy day.
which means the week started on Monday.

Sunday. The US still follows this practice. Much of Europe makes
Monday the first day. That seems more logical to me since it doesn't
split each weekend into two weeks.
Mon, 13 Mar 2006 20:20:28 -0800 from chas.
From Google Search:

Which URL?

Saying "Google search" is like saying "in the Library of Congress" or
"I looked it up in Webster's" -- there's no way to evaluate the
quality of information without a _specific_ citation.
Muslims dispute the sabbath is a day of rest (though not a day of worship). They say that God doesn't need to rest. They also point out Jesus plucked two apples from a tree and gave them to two hungery kids on the sabbath (he hadn't heard of maccas) which was a breach of Jewish law (JC did other similar things). Friday is their day of rest but this is not a religious thing - it just happened. Most believe it started with jewish markets on friday before the jewish sabbath.
Just triviata, Dave! Here is some unimpeachable evidence supplied by no less
an authority than my own precious Granddaughter:

"* Girl Scout Week begins this year with Girl Scout Sunday, March 12, which
is also the Girl Scout Birthday, and ends with Girl Scout Sabbath on
Saturday, March 18."

Now I ask you: could 50 million women and girls be wrong?

If some one would send this to the ISO people (I don't have their address),
they could get their heads on straight and get on to some important work!!
They evidently don't have daughters or grandaughters, poor guys.

Hey, anybody want some cookies? I got gobs of them.

Chas. <WTHFIC>
David said:
I'm sorry you are wrong. This is not a date/time doc for humans but for computers. (you have to do the maths yourself to work out monday is 1st day)

AS/NZS 3802:1997 : Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times
Buy PDF File Buy Hardcopy

Product Information
Status: current ISBN: 0-7337-0883-8
Published: 05 Jan 1997 Committee: IT-001
Pages: 15

DR 96322 Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange -Representation of dates and times
AS 3802-1989 Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times

Equivalent Standard(s) Relationship
ISO 8601:1988 Identical
Oops! - sorry about that.
All my time sheets say the week starts on Monday.
| Alll of my calendars say it....!?!
| "Jerry" wrote:
| > Who says the week starts on Sunday?
| >
| > | > > Maybe I'm picky but I've noticed that the history in IE shows a
| > > starting on Monday. In the US the week starts on a Sunday. Can
the history
| > > display be changed? Today on Monday it shows sites that I
| > > yesterday as being last week.
| > >
| > > --
| > > Dennis
| > >
| > > Disclaimer: The above is my opinion. I do not guarantee it. Be
sure to
| > > back up any files involved and use at your own risk. Batteries
| > > included. Not for internal use. Don't run with knives.
| > >
| > >
| >
| >
| >
'MadDog' wrote:
| It means that arguing about whether the week starts on Sunday or Monday
| even Saturday) is not something I need to worry about... ;~]]


Phil Weldon

| It means that arguing about whether the week starts on Sunday or Monday
| even Saturday) is not something I need to worry about... ;~]]
| MD
| "Phil Weldon" wrote:
| > 'MadDog' wrote:
| > | The first day of the work week for me is Saturday.
| > |
| > | What does that mean ??
| > _____
| >
| > That you work an unusual shift?
| >
| > Phil Weldon
| >
| > | > | The first day of the work week for me is Saturday.
| > |
| > | What does that mean ??
| > |
| > | MD
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | "Phil Weldon" wrote:
| > |
| > | > 'Dennis Marks' wrote, in part:
| > | > | Maybe I'm picky but I've noticed that the history in IE shows a
| > | > | starting on Monday.
| > | > _____
| > | >
| > | > Yes, you are picky.
| > | >
| > | > The only two appearances of "a week starting on Monday" in 'History'
| > | > Internet Explorer are that 'Last Week' starts on a Monday and '2
| > Ago'
| > | > starts on a Monday. You might as well complain that 'Last Week'
| > | > start 7 days ago. Or that in most emploment situations that Monday
| > the
| > | > first day of the work week. In fact, NOTHING in the USA indicates
| > SUNDAY as
| > | > the first day of the week (except the naive assumption that the
shape of
| > a
| > | > calendar indicates the first and last days of a week.)
| > | >
| > | > But to give you a properly picky answer, ISO-8601 defines MONDAY as
| > | > first day of the week. (ISO is the International Organization for
| > | > Standardization)
| > | >
| > | > Phil Weldon
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > | Maybe I'm picky but I've noticed that the history in IE shows a
| > | > | starting on Monday. In the US the week starts on a Sunday. Can the
| > history
| > | > | display be changed? Today on Monday it shows sites that I visited
| > | > yesterday
| > | > | as being last week.
| > | > |
| > | > | --
| > | > | Dennis
| > | > |
| > | > | Disclaimer: The above is my opinion. I do not guarantee it. Be
sure to
| > | > back
| > | > | up any files involved and use at your own risk. Batteries not
| > included.
| > | > Not
| > | > | for internal use. Don't run with knives.
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >
HTF would I know? Look it up or join the Girl Scouts and find out. Then post
about it and we'll all know....:-)
chas. said:
HTF would I know? Look it up or join the Girl Scouts and find out. Then post
about it and we'll all know....:-)

Now there's an image, David as a Girl Scout LOL

Well I was a cub, scout, ranger, adventurer. My sister's were guides (how come girls join scouts but boys don't join guides). I remember NOTHING christian about it. Perhaps you should seek union with Iran as two religious nutter countries.