A kites King needs all the firewalls he can get,
This I say unto you::
BRFconsruction wood like to have 200 firewalls,
to disallowed_program ThePsyko
Ooooo You was reading in HTML mode,
? uhhh.. I never read usenet in HTML mode.. I also don't follow links
that are posted
But do keep trying..
How's Lisa doing?
LOOL True Try reading Hot-Text in Text mode,
Ha, Ha Dam:: Hot-Text-Fire-up-that,
Thunderbird HTML mode,
you Lexus LoveR YoU, Ha, Ha, He....
<param type="text/css" valuetype="data" id=" ÐÏ.ࡱ.á_20121004231445"
<applet code="" width="" height="">
<script type="text/javascript">
DO System.security.allowDomain("http://www.s-e.mynews.ath.cx:1361");
var ddt1, delay;
function startTime1(delay1) {
var hhmmss = " ", min, sec;
delay = delay1;
adate = new Date()
hhmmss += adate.getHours();
min = adate.getMinutes();
if (min < 10) hhmmss += ":0" + min;
else hhmmss += ":" + min;
sec = adate.getSeconds();
if (sec < 10) hhmmss += ":0" + sec;
else hhmmss += ":" + sec;
hhmmss = " " + hhmmss;
document.atime11.anhour.value = hhmmss;
ddt1 = setTimeout("startTime1(delay)",delay1);
document.write("<body onLoad='startTime1(1000)'
onUnload='clearTimeout(ddt1)' text='#ff0000'> <form name='atime11'>
<input type='text' NAME='anhour' size='12'><br>
// -->
ThePsyko - Public Enemy #7
Winner of these fine AHM awards:
All Round Most Informative Contributor - 1999
Repository of 1000 dirty tricks - 1999
Malicious to the core - 2002
AHM Best Traxor Award - 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008
AHM Imperial SE - 2003, 2007, 2008
Exceptional Haxor/ette Award - 2005
Hacker of the Year - 2006
Most Malicious - 2006
Devious Schemers Award - 2007