Don't need to worry about me opening attachments, even I do know who they are
from and am in fact expecting one to arrive. I always save to a folder on
another partition and scan again - would even do this if it was from Bill

doesn't matter who sends me anything I double check with my scanners
before looking.
I am a 'safe surfer' to the point where anything is within my control plus
do not file share or anything like that - this was the bit with Opera
incorporating BitTorrent - I know there are legitimate things but I didn't
like that aspect with the new version which I why I didn't upgrade. I was
going to try v9.0.1 on my beta system to let me see if it is faster than
Firefox despite all the additional widgets they have with this version.
Firefox is good with No script for per site basis - I don't use a mega
amount of extensions just no script & one to contol the configs for me.
Spent ages last night trying to decide between Opera or FF for Vista. I
would like one of them and may try Opera today - it was the added things with
the new release which worried me but going back to v8.54 there is a security
hole with this version.
Security aware without doubt and not careless with downloads/sites visited
but would love a better browser as IE7 is not just as refined as I think it
will be on the final release. The version I have is very tempromental
Thanks for your reply about the browser working this helps - I don't like to
have too mnay installs but at least one alternative woould be better than the
setup I have just now.