That's interesting- 9000 and it works! I never had a bookmark problem in
Netscape 4.79, where this file came from.
And can you edit OK? When I cut/paste a bookmark, it pastes above the
destination folder. Others report that also.
I just checked - yes, that does happen to me too. It's easy to get around
though, by just clicking on the first item in the destination folder,
rather than the folder name.
I use Firefox 0.8, what version do you use?
Well it was FF 0.8 until after my last post, when I wondered what version
you were using, and then I thought maybe I should upgrade, and so I've
been wasting time today moving to 0.92 and playing with new extensions :-D
And how fast is your puter?
Ummm...Pentium 3, not sure on the ram etc, but I know it's not high-spec.
I'd an old laptop which was destroyed in a flood last year, & this one is
the replacement provided by the insurance company, so basically it's as
close as they could get to the old specs.
I use the FF executable, not install. It otherwise works so well that I
doubt starting over will help. I've been told it was the size of my
bookmark file, but your results show different.
Don't know what to tell you - I just know I'd no problems in 0.8 and I
haven't noticed any so far in 0.92 either.