Somewhere in Redmond, Washington, someone is using Microsoft Project to
maintain a big Gant Chart. At this time there are several "fixed" points on
the chart, and everything else is subject to change.
The "fixed" points are the major milestones. I don't know how many Alphas
there were, but each of them was a major milestone. Beta 1 and Beta 2 are
milestones. RC1 and RTM are milestones. But the big milestone is public
release. At this point it seems to be the end of January.
However as they approach the "fixed" points, if everything that is a
requirement for that milestone has not been completed, then the milestone
has to be slipped, or features have to be dropped. Microsoft has done a lot
of both with Vista, but anyone who has been involved with a major
development project knows that both are common. No major development
project gets completed without schedule slips and changes to the feature
At this point Microsoft has a date for RC1 and they are trying to convince
the developers, that they can and must meet the schedule date, and that it
will not slip. Except for the greenest newbies though the developers know
that the schedule can and will slip, because they can't deliver feature
complete, debugged, and working code in the scheduled time.
While trying to convince the developers to make a supreme effort, the
managers are already planning the slip. Since I don't know what the
internal date is, or the status of all the pieces of code, I don't know how
big the slip will be, and I suppose it's possible that they can deliver RC1
within the third quarter.
But the point is that the Microsoft Vista project managers don't know at
this point when RC1 will happen, so they can't possibly announce a date.
Everyone will just have to be patient. When Microsoft announces it, then
you will know. Until then even Microsoft doesn't know.