Feb 6, 2003
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does anyone have any favourate quotes from films both old and new ones?

One of my favourates comes from Pulp Fiction i love it:

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee." - Jules - Pulp Fiction ( I was trying to make this my signature on pcreview but it woulndt work!!!) :(

my other one comes from Scarface 1983:

"In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the woman."

and my last one from the film Dirty Harry 1973 it goes:

"I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?"

what are your favourate quotes?
Wizard of Oz! I heard this quote the other day and it made me laugh ;)

Scarecrow: I haven't got a brain... only straw.
Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

I thought this one was great ;)
As good as so many of the quotes from lock stock are quality, this wee ditty from trainspotting takes the biscuit!!

"It's s*ite being Scottish! We're the lowest of the f**king low, the scum of the earth, the most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English. I don't. They're just w*nkers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. We can't even pick a decent culture to be colonized by. We are ruled by effete as*holes. It's a s*ite state of affairs and all the fresh air in the world won't make any f**king difference." - Renton

Man, that was a pain in the ass to censor!! hehe.
OOOOps, many apologies, i just read over it and i forgot to censor one of the words. I know this is a family site etc, it was a mistake!! :-)
Full metal Jacket;

"I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose private!"

The rest is quite abusive so watch it yourself...
"You was only supposed to blow the bloody doors off"

Michael Caine, The Italian Job. Classic :)
If your quoting scarface, its gotta be "Say hello to my little friend" ;).

One of the best quotes of all time i reckon is on Training Day:

"King Kong aint got sh!t on me"

Pure class, always puts a smile on me face.
They call this war a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say 'Sh*t, it's raining!' - Ruby in 'Cold Mountain'

Coarse, but true, and applicable today.
'What we have here is a failure to communicate' - Cool Hand Luke.

I love just about any quote from Pulp Fiction, I think that's my favourite movie. Here's another:

'Mmmm-hmmm! This is a tasty burger!'

And who could forget:

'I'll make him an offer he can't refuse' - The Godfather.

I like that Scarface quote as well, great line 'Say hello to my leetle friend' hehe, nice one reef
"Oh Man, I just shot Marvin in the face" Pulp Fiction

"I'm a mushroom cloud laying mother f****r, mother f****r" Pulp Fiction

(The censore better kick in there)
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Haha, it weren't censored in the e-mail :D

Young Pedowan, you are a bad boy and lose six brownie points for that.

You a moderator and all, you should know better, tut tut... ;)
How about:

"Look, you shoot off a guy's head with his pants down, believe me, Texas is not the place you want to get caught." Thelma & Louise


"Well, I believe in the soul, the c*ck, the pus*y, the small of a woman's back, the hangin' curveball, high fiber, good Scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent crap...I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days." Bull Durham

Scarface 1983:

"I neva f***** anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" (Tony to Sosa)

also my other favourate:
"that chick he's with I think she likes me.........the EYES CHICO, THEY NEVER LIE!' (tony talking to chico!)

since i heard that ive been telling lots of people that their eyes never lie!
floppybootstomp said:
I love just about any quote from Pulp Fiction, I think that's my favourite movie. Here's another:

'Mmmm-hmmm! This is a tasty burger!'

"And you know what they call a... a... a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris? "

i mean who really cares about what they call it? its just such a useless thing to know but a bloddy great quote from Pulp Fiction!
floppybootstomp said:
Haha, it weren't censored in the e-mail :D

Young Pedowan, you are a bad boy and lose six brownie points for that.

You a moderator and all, you should know better, tut tut... ;)
I thought Ian put an automatic censor in, hence why i didn't edit. Until i saw that they werent automatically changed, when i edited (see edit note)

Am I going to be the only one to pick a profound quote?! :eek:

What a rude, dirty bunch you all are! I don't think the censor has had to work this hard since the mention of Scunthorpe ;)
'k, 'specially for SB:

'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn' - Gone With The Wind :D