This is exactly why I sometimes respond to trollers, idiots,
and narcissists; it's quite entertaining. I wasn't going to
bother with the likes of crap like this, but the
entertainment value is just too high. I can 't help myself.
Gabriele Neukam said:
On that special day, Pop Rivet, (
[email protected]) said... states.
What's that? A freudian slip towards frauded setups?
== Is it the word "most" or "functional" that is confusing
you? Your comment is so far out to lunch there's nothing
else to be said about it.
Not for me. I don't need no stinking ActiveX, Jscript or RealPlayer. Or
== And that's perfectly fine: You have no need for them.
So, since YOU do not need them, why does that make them
unacceptable and/or useful to the masses, which they
obviously are. Personally, I like them and when I want them
I just switch profiles and voila! They're there! And if I
don't, they're not there. Voila! All it takes is a few
keystrokes. It is patently silly to say they are no good
because YOU don't like them.
What if I don't want that virus/trojan capa/compatibility?
== No such thing exists. Comment again is mindless.
I just do it. I didn't get Korgos or hijacked startpage
== Neither do I get those things. Nor do I get spam,
adware, and a plethora of other things. So what? I don't
care if YOU "do it", but I do care when you tell ME not to
"do it" in another way. Irrelevant comment.
I am currently writing on a PII 400 MHz with Windows 98 First Edition,
and it works just fine, with an exchanged hard drive, an additional one,
a cdrom exchanged for a dvd drive, an additional cd burner, a slightly
larger video card, an additional Realtek, and a *very* reliable intel BX
chipset. Why should I ask for more, if I don't play with realtime
shooters or driver simulations?
=== Yeah, so am I. My win98 machine is rock solid, runs
pretty good for a 350 MHz machine, SCSI, and lots of good
stuff like that, not worth listing here.
If you want to know "Why should I ask for more", then why
are you buying XP? BTW, seriously, you would benefit hugely
from a faster machine with XP.
Yes, it is a bit slow for recent RPGs, and I will replace it within the
next months.
=== Yup, mine, too, but for what I'm using it for, it's
perfect. So what? What's the point? I think youj're
drifting badly here.
When XP is available with Service Pack2. Not sooner. When XP came out,
Bill Gates claimed that it was the most secure Windows ever made. Until
Blaster came and leveled his card house. And it didn't get any better
=== So, uh, you'll believe when XP came out it was all a
pack of lies about security, but you WILL believe, when the
same people tell you SP2 fixes it all? That's inconsistant
and paradoxical in many ways.
Besides, if 98's doing all you need, why wait for SP2 XP?
Stick with 98 if it does all you need! Or go to another OS?
You have lots of choices, so ... why XP?
If you are in favour of progress generally, are you also in favour of
better nuclear weapons? Genetically enhanced babies? Cloned politicians?
A RFID'd life from birth to bier? Or is there a moment which makes you
stop and say: I don't think that *this* "progress" will make my life
really better, after all?
=== I don't see the connection: Is that all you think
"progress" is? Why are YOU saying that ALL progress must be
"bad" or "good"? Or don't you know what it really means? I
suspect not. I'd accuse you of being facetious but I don't
think you'd know what that means either.
Obviously, YOU think the progress with SP2 will make a
lied-about OS better, right? Sooo, uhh, well, it just
doesn't correlate. Sorry, used another nickel word there!
a. It is way more difficult to get local authority on the machine, if
ActiveX cannot be exploited.
=== OK, now your ignorance is showing. You need to stop
parroting other's thoughts and come up with some of your
b. The alternative browsers aren't too interesting, because they are
used by few people, and these people are a bit more safety aware than
the average John Doe user
=== Indisputably true. But, YOU are professing that
everyone who uses IE should come over to YOUR camp! Now, if
that were to happen, your comments would almost all become
moot. Then what would you switch over to fanatacizing
about? That's not fantasizing, it's fanaticizing, dummy!
Learn to read! Or, in yer linguyitch, lrn to reed!
c. Trying to spread malware by *these* means would result in a *very*
low impact, and low impact obstructs the aimed at goal: to achieve
public attention because the programmer's "baby" managed to harm
=== Here you show your lack of familiarity with social
engineering and the human capacity. Given equivalent
efforts, maybe even less since there are so many candidates
out there, it would quickly create many houses of cards.
They are like vermin; go where the most is available, if
that's not attainable, then the next most available, and so
It would appear that you think SP2 is solid enough to
send the vermin to the next most available suppy of food; is
that Mozilla, or which other one? Just hang around; it will
become evident in the relatively near future, especially if
as you purport, SP2 fixes all that stuff!
d. recent programmers aren't only kiddies that want to raise attention;
more and more of them sell their "services" (mostly installed relays and
trojans) to spammers and other internet abusers, for the *money*. A low
distribution of $malware doesn't yield high profits, so why should they
try to infect machines that browse with non-IE applications? The
default, uninformed IE user is a much easier target, and there are
zillions out there to be exploited.
=== You have no idea what "recent programmers" are, either.
That's not what you meant! They'll accomplish those things
in the near future and I think I've gone over why enough
times now, in enough ways; 'nuff said.
Randex was created to sell the victims to a spammer. The creator
confessed that to a German student in a chat.
=== And that proves what? Are you trying for a stereotype?
Where there is interest, there will be business. I don't want to get
caught in that kind of "business". There are by sure areas in your home
town, where you won't walk at night, if don't really have to. I see IE
as such a red light area.
=== That's because you apparently migrate to the red light
districts, motss bars, dirty back rooms, and darkly lit
streets. I suspect you don't know how to act in other
situations, so you simply keep going back to the same old
places where no one will see you in the dim light. I've
always known how to tell what parts of town are OK and what
parts aren't, from Coronado to Chgo to Dallas to o'seas, et
al. It's easy to figure out where the fun places are where
you won't pick up a virus or worse, if you just think, aren
't lazy, and don't want everything done for you as you limit
your world more and more each day.
Gabriele Neukam
(e-mail address removed)
=== Information : Too bad you are so light in that
department. Hope you find the light switch soon - reality
is just around the corner if you look for it. Fanatics are
forever in the dark.
Thanks for the entertainment