Michael said:
BillR said:
I disagree with _why_ "not much response [is] needed". Specifically
my comments were not gratuitous and did not insult unknown people:
they were a direct response to your post and attempted to make a point
by applying your logic.
Just because your post was a 'direct' reponse to mine (what other could it
be as a reply), it does not negate the possibility of it being both
gratuitous and insulting, which it managed very easily to be.
"Possibly", yes. "Gratuitous", obviously not. "Insulting", well,
somewhat, although I did try to soften it and specifically avoided
some obvious perjorative terms. I do have to admit that my first
inclination was to be considerably more direct and insulting.
Your baseless and outrageously superior mode of speech is both an insult and
gratuitous and I did manage to decipher your parallelism - wasn't
particularly subtle.
I'm sorry you perceived my comment as "superior" although I can see
why you would feel that way. I also don't enjoy having my mistakes
exposed. When compared to your original comment, though, I perceive
my comment as somewhat less so. Perhaps we can both consider our
The parallelism was quite direct. I did not mean to suggest that you
missed it the first time, but rather to say -- perhaps ineptly -- that
I was using parallelism as a mechanism to illustrate a problem with
your argument. Perhaps part of the problem is that I failed to
convey my intent to you when I asked the rhetorical question.
Because we both use IE6 with flash disabled it does not
follow that our systems are identical and it certainly does not follow that
because my configuration does not display this site it is in some way inept.
Which was your inference.
I assume our systems are not identical. Else we would probably have
gottent the same result.
You misinterpreted my intent. My intended "inference": just as this
("can't manage setup") was a questionable conclusion so was your
conclusion. I thought I was clear; I specifically did not want to
belabor the point that just as you should be given the benefit of the
doubt (Proxomitron itself can be complex -- at least to me -- and PC
software interactions are complex), so should the web developers.
My system is perhaps overtly tight but this or any
site should not expect me to have insecurities running in order to view
content. My argument was that a developer should know this better than most
and a low compatibility host site can colour and indicate the value of a
If you can identify a specific problem with how they have presented
their site, why not call it to their attention in as positive a way as
possible. ("As positive a way" is something I need to work on doing as