dM, Michael, and John F.,
Any other authors providing personal freeware you want to insult
1. digitalMOSQUITO wrote
Yes, i know that i can fake Mozilla to be whatever. But, It shoudn't
be necessary. I only reply to let others know the stupidity and
arrogance of webmasters.
You and I may not like that 90+% of web visitors use IE (as do I),
that MS achieved this via illegal tactics, and that Mozilla was
unusable for years, but that's life. Oh, "the stupidity and
arrogance" of a digitalMOSQUITO upset because a small business hasn't
updated its website logic to account for a dM's browser choice.
2. Michael wrote
I am using ie6 but with flash disabled from proxmitron and the page
would not load in any reasonable way for me. Wanted to give the Gyula
file manager a look but if they can't write a decent website they can't
write a file manager.
Loaded fine for me in IE6.0 with Flash disabled (in multiple places,
but probably blocked by Norton IS firewall). What should I conclude
from "If you can't manage your setup, ...."?
3. John Fitzsimons wrote
Added to that they are probably the sort of people who wouldn't
respond well to bug reports and/or suggestions for improvements.
And John F. is "probably the sort of [person] who wouldn't respond
well to ... suggestions for improvements." (Actually, this is a
sometimes response.) My conclusion is based on personal experience
and observation. Yours is based on?
Come on guys. I know that visiting a site that doesn't work with your
personal setup is frustrating, but the assumptions and gratuitous
insults won't encourage more freeware to be written or used.