My Name
My Name <no@e/-\mail.com>:
Thanks! (Now I get to procrastinate something on my todo,
which is always welcome. <g> ) Also, even at my tortoise
net speed, made the trip there and back in under a moment.
I loves a 23k-size download.
Me Too! :D said:http://members.aol.com/BGuzner/software/
Advance warn. It takes a while to adapt to its lack of an
address bar. You do get in the habit of the way takes an
Menu > Go > To Key...
There, it will read the reg key you might have in the
clipboard; you don't have to paste it. Also, you'll notice
that there you have a drop-down list of recent registry
Ok, interesting.
Do check out its Find feature. It's very fast. And also,
notice that Regmagik will only show branched out those
paths in the registry you'd accessed while you had it open.
This provides a good navigational overview of the
particular keys you were viewing or editing. Instead of
them being buried in the thick cluster of thousands of
other keys, the type of view given by other registry
Reminds me of regeditx
Ah, the other warn... It will crash, from time to time.
Since it is constantly updating its registry display to
match what's happening in real time, which can get too
intense for it. It recovers fine from that, no leaks or
anything. Yet to reduce the frequency of that, I usually
just open and close it a lot, as it takes only a second for
it to launch.
Uh Huh, I see, Thank you for the info!

Again, thank you again for the Regmon 1.53. Right after
you'd posted about its monitoring feature, I asked Google
for it. And Google said no. (In English at least, don't
know what it was saying in the other langs.)
Yeah, the author didn't post 'em by version numbers. So nothing
to differentiate one regshot.zip from another without taking a
look at the download, unfortunately.