Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit is now activated on my computer. Ta-da!
The MS lady called me at 12:20, tookover my machine and took 35 minutes to sort it.
Here's what the problem was: when I tried to activate the OS online using the activation process within Win 10 it asked me to enter my Microsoft account and then the password so I used the account I used with my Xbox One.
Then another screen pops up that says something like 'We'd like you to enter your Microsoft password again just to prove it's you'. So I entered the same password again and that's where things were going wrong.
What the second prompt wanted to see was the password I used to sign into Windows 10 when my machine is started which is not the same as the one I use for my MS account. Sayeeda (for that was the lady's name) talked me through this part of it and let me know I had to enter my signing in password. I think she'd sussed what the problem was.
As soon as I did that she completed the activation and signed out from remote control of my machine.
The only quirk here is that now, when I restarted the machine, I have to use my MS account password which is different to the one I was previously using, which in itself isn't a biggie. So now I can personalise Win 10 and set my own desktop picture
I still have 2 pressing issues though, I've learnt the reason I can't play Call Of Duty 4 online is the majority of servers use a Mod named CodX18 and if I haven't had it installed then I can't connect to any servers using the mod.
The normal procedure is when connecting to a server running the mod I will be prompted to install it then patch it from V17 to V18 but that isn't happening here, an internet server search for all game types only turns up 4 non-modded servers so I'm kinda snookered.
The mod is available to download and install into the CoD4 directory (within Steam) but it hasn't worked for me, it just keeps saying 'Can't install a file within itself' so I'm baffled.
My other issue is a copy of Microsoft Office 2010 I bought from Amazon and had activated and used since August last year. That won't activate now, it tells me the activation code is wrong. It didn't cost much, around a tenner I think so maybe it's an iffy copy. But if so how come it activated last August?
I only want this MS Office 2010 to open old Publisher files and a few work-related documents, I actually use Libre Office full time now but it's still irritating. I suppose I'll be phoning their helpline again to try and activate Office 2010.
I'm pleased my Win 10 is now all pucka but say it together:
'We all love Microsoft!'