I'm sure this has been asked a million times before but I still can't
get it straight.
I bought a Seagate 250GB drive to use in an external USB housing. I
tried to format this in FAT32 internally using Parition Magic but the
couldn't use the whole volume as one partition and then couldn't get
the PC to recognize what I had formated when using it extenally anyway.
I was still using SP1 at this point and thought this was the problem.
Now I'm up to date with SP2 I've tried again and I still can't use the
whole volume. I can format 238GB in almost any file fomat I like apart
from FAT32 which limits me to about 82% of the volume (roughly 195GB)
as one partition.
Leaving aside the wisdom of having such a large partition shouldn't I
theoretically be able to do this? I will probably end up having several
partitions anyway but I'd still like to get this straight.
get it straight.
I bought a Seagate 250GB drive to use in an external USB housing. I
tried to format this in FAT32 internally using Parition Magic but the
couldn't use the whole volume as one partition and then couldn't get
the PC to recognize what I had formated when using it extenally anyway.
I was still using SP1 at this point and thought this was the problem.
Now I'm up to date with SP2 I've tried again and I still can't use the
whole volume. I can format 238GB in almost any file fomat I like apart
from FAT32 which limits me to about 82% of the volume (roughly 195GB)
as one partition.
Leaving aside the wisdom of having such a large partition shouldn't I
theoretically be able to do this? I will probably end up having several
partitions anyway but I'd still like to get this straight.