FastStone Image Viewer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Adkins
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having tried the image viewer a few days and found it very nice in
many ways, I was grumpy to discover that it creates a database of
thumbnails...with no way to turn it off that I can see! This slowly
builds up a huge file, if you have as many pics as I do....If they'd
allow users to control that feature, they might have something.

Yea, same here. Drot! :(

I can't pull myself away from Firegraphic anyway. I'm hooked for life.

You may like the style of a viewer called "Imaginate". Simple, 1 file, and
has plenty of features.

-- Bob
Bill said:
having tried the image viewer a few days and found it very nice in
many ways, I was grumpy to discover that it creates a database of
thumbnails...with no way to turn it off that I can see! This slowly
builds up a huge file, if you have as many pics as I do....If they'd
allow users to control that feature, they might have something.

This little gem is good for browsing a lot of files as thumbnails
*without* without using a database of thumbnails - IIRC it could handle
a directory with about 8000 files on my Win98 OS. (Irfanview and XnView
balked at a much smaller number.)

Program: Iomega Photo Printer
Author: Iomega
Ware: Freeware
v 1.0 (1089 KB)

having tried the image viewer a few days and found it very nice
in many ways, I was grumpy to discover that it creates a
database of thumbnails...with no way to turn it off that I can
see! This slowly builds up a huge file, if you have as many
pics as I do....If they'd allow users to control that feature,
they might have something.

Uh oh! That sort of 'feature' is most unwelcome. I too downloaded &
installed this viewer but I have not looked at it properly yet.

Unfortunately, it doesn't support .gif because of licensing issues. Would be
nice if there were 3rd party plug-ins that could integrate with it.

Newest version supports GIF. How about that, boys and girls? :)

Now if we can talk the author out of the db file that bloats up, we have a

Dunno... it's real slow to load compared to most other viewers. I still
can't use it, but hey, it's getting better fast.

-- Bob
Bob Adkins scribebat:
Newest version supports GIF. How about that, boys and girls? :)

Right, I think the GIF-patent ran out recently. That means it should be a
free technology now and thus can be used without paying any fees.
Uh oh! That sort of 'feature' is most unwelcome. I too downloaded &
installed this viewer but I have not looked at it properly yet.
you 'can' delete the database and let it start over...but that is a
hassle to remember. I will keep the program and watch for updates...