Oof, unwarrented political propoganda from a likely canadian or
european. I wasn't prepared for that. Though I have heard that the
er... its my SIG, notice the bars? Propganda? how about the
"propoganda" coming out of washington? People are getting tired of
having their arms pulled behind their backs.
Canadian? I'm a real Texan dude, unlike "bush" who is a transplanted
"texan" who never did any thing. Military record? He has none, he
went AWOL.. Not allowing protesters anywhere near the goveners
mansion (a first), against free speech. His wife killed another
person while drinking and driving - they did really good teaching
"values" to their drinking (illeagally with fake IDs) and drug taking
kids. The lies of WMD and the business who are making money off us,
the Americans to play war games rarther than fighter "Terrorist".
Oh, and by the way, there are a HELL OF A LOT OF TEXANS who DO NOT
9200/9100 IS slower then the FX5200. I bemoan the lack of an AGP slot.
It comes down to a FX5200 256mb or a Radeon 9100 128mb. Thanks to
everyone on this board though. you've helped me narrow it down to two.
Now which one is better ?
??? Get the 128mb Gainward 5200PCI, its about $60~70. The extra ram
does nothing if not make it slower. 256 rarely helps top end cards.
== == == == == == == == == == == == ==
Remember: In the USA - it is dangeroud to draw or write about Heir Bush in a negative way. The police or SS are called, people threaten to kill you. (What country is this again?)
- 15yr old boy in Washington was disciplined for drawing such images.
- White House blows cover of an undercover agent because her husband said there were no WMD (before the USA started the war) - her job was finding terrorist. (This makes sense?)
God bless the land of the free. Where you can burn the Constitution... Ashcroft does it every day.