...just a quick update if anyone's still interested.
Even after modifying the system.ini file to limit the vcache to 128MB, I
continued to get the same type of errors that are well known for Win98
with over 512MB memory. So, I gave up, and removed the new stick of 512.
I have been playing FarCry with only 512MB since then.
Tonight, I finally realized that there are TWO recommendations for
working around the Win98/512MB problem. Limiting the cache is only one
of them. The other suggestion is to run msconfig->advanced, and force
windows to only use 512MB (even tho there is more available). This
finally solve my problems with running 1GB on Windows 98. Of course,
now windows isn't taking advantage of the extra RAM. But! It seems that
the applications are NOT limited by what windows does - they actually CAN
use all available ram.
So, after playing a lot of FarCry with only 512MB, and then playing it
with 1GB (even tho windows still thinks there's only 512), I DO now
notice a VERY significant improvement in FarCry. I had said before that
the difference wasn't that great. I was wrong. Tonight, after putting
the new stick back in (and telling windows to ignore it), I am a
believer. If you are playing FarCry, 1GB is a MUST. It is SO much
better than having only 512.
Abit KX7-333R
1GB Corsair XMS PC3200 CAS 2.0
ATI 9700non-pro (CPU:375 Mem:303)
Two 80GB WD 7200/8MB in a RAID0