FAQ for a.c.f

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jo said:
I'd dump NAKTO. The only refs I see for it are at nonags and some other
outfit that is obviously a nonags rip off. NAKTO is nowhere to be seen
on the main nifty/kazubon site.

Unless you got NAKTO from somewhere else?

Thanks for checking. I knew it had turned up on more than one site -
didn't notice one site was a clone. Removed.

hmmm. . . should I mention that I began with a totally different name
in the author slot. . . nice Japanese name. . . the guy doesn't
appear to have any connection to this app. . .

probably better not to. . .

Susan said:
hmmm. . . should I mention that I began with a totally different name
in the author slot. . . nice Japanese name. . . the guy doesn't
appear to have any connection to this app. . .

probably better not to. . .

Oh go on; you know you want to...
(e-mail address removed) wrote in
I do not want to say this but, WTH:
I did google it before posting the Q. A lot of wWhat came back
had the "smell" of p*$$ing contests and flame wars. No offense

No offence taken. You're right about the flame wars. There are too many
here. I just avoid them by having a big killfile. I'll show it to anyone
who asks...
(e-mail address removed) wrote in

No offence taken. You're right about the flame wars. There
are too many here. I just avoid them by having a big
killfile. I'll show it to anyone who asks...

Ahh. Thanks for the heads-up.

jo said:
Kazubon posting on the BBS, Kazubon having a blog here:


I very much doubt it.

8< snip >8

Why? (Out of curiosity)

While I don't know Japanese either (unfortunately),
I do know that Japanese is normally written with
Chinese characters (called Kanji when used to
write Japanese) which may have multiple conflicting
pronunciations, usually a native Japanese
pronunciation based on a Japanese word that
the Chinese character is used to write, and one
or more pronunciations based on Chinese
pronunciations of the character
(a historical accident, apparently due to
importation and re-importation of the
characters with different pronunciations
at three separate times in history; due to
either dialect differences or linguistic
shift over time; I'm not sure which).

Somehow you're supposed to just "know" which
pronunciation to use when.
(I've heard it isn't that easy, even for native
Japanese speakers.)

(I understand that when a businessman or
politician gets promoted to a higher-status job,
not only does his title change, but the choice
of how to pronounce the Kanji in his name
also changes. Which also affects how his
name is written in Latin characters for

I don't know how the Japanese keep track of
who is who when the name changes.

It's sort of like "the artist formerly known
as ...", except that in Japan it seems it's
accepted as an everyday thing, like the
assumption here in the USA that a woman
loses her last name and takes her
husband's last name when she marries.)

It may be a socially-required alternate
pronunciation of the last character in his name.

[Sort of like the differences in English
between possible first names and when
they might be used:
your formal / full / given / birth name;
a short form you use habitually with
family / friends / coworkers / ...;
one of the traditional nicknames for
your full name, which people _will_
feel they're allowed to use instead
of your formal first name
(think of
Elizabeth ==>
Liz / Beth / Betty / Betsy,
Kenneth ==> Ken / Kenny) ].

Mind you, this is just a wild guess.

I think you'd better ask. It might be 'rude'
to use the wrong name. ("Rude" as in
"a mortal insult", but maybe overlooked
when coming from a non-Japanese;
unless you know better, and he knows
you know, and ...)

Aloha --
Kenneth Kawamura
Lansing, Michigan
Why? (Out of curiosity)

Just a guess, really. I looked up Kazuto in O'Neill's book of Japanese
Names and found two ways of writing it.
'Bon' does not look to be an alternate way of reading either of the
available 'to' characters
Kazubon is not in the book.
I then checked the main nifty site and the BBS and the blog looking for
Kazuto or Kazubon written in likely looking Kanji. Failed. He writes his
name exclusively in Roman script.
I then went to Nelson's Character dictionary and a fairly large
Kenkyusha dictionary looking for Kazubon. Failed.
So I ended up guessing that Kazubon is a name that Kazuto made up as a
company/professional name, keeping the first character of his name and
adding a second that he liked the sound of (and potential meaning).
I assume that 'kazu' is 'wa' - peace - and another trip back to Nelson
makes me guess that 'bon' might be 'purity' or 'buddhist believer'.

But hey; the above might be a complete load of nonsense. 'Bon' might be
'hon' FFS, for all I know. :-)
(I understand that when a businessman or
politician gets promoted to a higher-status job,
not only does his title change, but the choice
of how to pronounce the Kanji in his name
also changes. Which also affects how his
name is written in Latin characters for

This can be true, though looks to be unlikely in this case. Professional
names can also be totally new.
I don't know how the Japanese keep track of
who is who when the name changes.

It gets difficult at times. I can think of one professional Go player
who had at least 3 names depending on how his grade changed.
I think you'd better ask. It might be 'rude'
to use the wrong name. ("Rude" as in
"a mortal insult", but maybe overlooked
when coming from a non-Japanese;
unless you know better, and he knows
you know, and ...)

Asking is a good idea. There is an email addy and the BBS looks to be
accessible to English speakers.

Report back when you get a definitive response. :-)
jo said:
"Mad" wrote:
Asking is a good idea. There is an email addy and the BBS looks to be
accessible to English speakers.

Report back when you get a definitive response. :-)

Not his job. Not mine either.

Furnishing *complete* and *correct* information is the responsibility of
the person who furnishes the description.

Just a friendly little reminder to the group. . .

My responsibility is to *verify* information, *not* find it. and. . .

However many descriptions *you* prepare, *I'll* be preparing more.

If you can't find the information you need - ask the group - get the
*answer* and *then* submit your description.

TIA :)

Susan Bugher said:
Not his job. Not mine either.

Watch out for that tricky Brit wit. Jo was replying to this..

Sort of "you go first/ be my guest" after a discussion on difficulty
of navigating a very different culture - and the Dangers of mortal

(After the sincere academic discussion, I come out like a dim lowbrow,
in that I admit that from the mortal insults reminder, one of the images
I got was the Samarai sword)
Furnishing *complete* and *correct* information is the responsibility of
the person who furnishes the description.

Just a friendly little reminder to the group. . .

[Snipping the generalized reminder.] I think the this author's name has
been well attended to here, and with good result.
Susan Bugher said:
If you can't find the information you need - ask the group - get the
*answer* and *then* submit your description.

I've got a bunch of good programs on my startmenu. So can I send you
a screenshot of my startmenu? That way you guys can vote on which ones
are Pricelessware. TIA ....
omega said:
Susan Bugher said:
Not his job. Not mine either.

Watch out for that tricky Brit wit. Jo was replying to this..

Sort of "you go first/ be my guest" after a discussion on difficulty
of navigating a very different culture - and the Dangers of mortal

(After the sincere academic discussion, I come out like a dim lowbrow,
in that I admit that from the mortal insults reminder, one of the images
I got was the Samarai sword)
Furnishing *complete* and *correct* information is the responsibility of
the person who furnishes the description.

Just a friendly little reminder to the group. . .

[Snipping the generalized reminder.] I think the this author's name has
been well attended to here, and with good result.

I got that. :)

I just finished a *long* stint with descriptions. I was responding to
the preceding suggestions (there were at least two) that it was up to
*me* to make a greater effort to seek out information.

My response to that is no and hell no. (That's the polite version.)

ISTM it was time to remind people who *is* responsible for gathering

it's *not* me babe. . .

Just for the record. . . This description was a special case. The
original description was fine - but I had some conflicting info on file.
Usually some Googling will supply the answers. This time it added to the
confusion. . .

Susan Bugher said:
I just finished a *long* stint with descriptions. I was responding to
the preceding suggestions (there were at least two) that it was up to
*me* to make a greater effort to seek out information.

I did see one post which was so reminiscent of last year... "I'm
in a hurry - car's running - here's my laundry list - attend to it."
omega said:
I did see one post which was so reminiscent of last year... "I'm
in a hurry - car's running - here's my laundry list - attend to it."

no way Jose. . . ;)

Perhaps worth noting that the *last* time "Renamer" was nominated the
*URL* was dead. Hasn't happened so far this year, no shareware, no
non-ware. . . :)

and. . .

The group is doing a *great* job with program descriptions. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. :) :) :)

I've got a bunch of good programs on my startmenu. So can I send you
a screenshot of my startmenu? That way you guys can vote on which ones
are Pricelessware. TIA ....

Good idea - but if I remember right, then attachments are not good
form - can you fling a screenshot onto a web page ?

I count 5 essential freeware programmes in my taskbar alone :-)
Good idea - but if I remember right, then attachments are not good
form - can you fling a screenshot onto a web page ?

I count 5 essential freeware programmes in my taskbar alone :-)

I want to nominate an excellent app that I used to have. All I can
remember now is that it had a blue icon... I think.
jo said:
I want to nominate an excellent app that I used to have. All I can
remember now is that it had a blue icon... I think.


Great Suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wasn't sure about some of the categories so I just made a *new*
Pricelessware page for the apps and uploaded it.

I think part of the URL is "fabulous" or something like that. . .


Great Suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wasn't sure about some of the categories so I just made a *new*
Pricelessware page for the apps and uploaded it.

I think part of the URL is "fabulous" or something like that. . .

