FAQ for a.c.f

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Susan said:

Susan, I have some difficulties about the difference you make between
your site and the other Pricelesswaresite. IMHO both sites represent
the opinions of the ACF members regarding the Pricelessware programs.

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed) (Remove _NO_SPAM_)
'Links to Freeware'
Susan Bugher said:

Else, close to same as above: <


PS Susan,

I want to get in a few words about ... the GAG thing.
Today is a whole new day, right?
You are well-rested? Feeling magnimous?
Mellow as a daisy field?
Or do I need to get some pasta & merlot delivered to you in advance?
Henk said:
Susan, I have some difficulties about the difference you make between
your site and the other Pricelesswaresite. IMHO both sites represent the
opinions of the ACF members regarding the Pricelessware programs.

Revised to Pricelessware & ACF


omega said:
Henk de Jong said:
Susan, I have some difficulties
[snip the stink bomb. hope it diffuses silently]

You have difficulties? Or you seek to create them?

I beg your pardon? I just asked a question, and obviously Susan
understood what I meant. So, I have no problems anymore. How about

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed) (Remove _NO_SPAM_)
'Links to Freeware'
Is there an FAQ for this group? If so, where?

alt.comp.freeware (ACF, acf) is one of three groups dedicated to
freeware. The other groups are:
alt.comp.freeware.games (ACFG)

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Henk de Jong said:
Henk de Jong said:
Susan, I have some difficulties
[snip the stink bomb. hope it diffuses silently]

You have difficulties? Or you seek to create them?

I beg your pardon? I just asked a question, and obviously Susan
understood what I meant. So, I have no problems anymore. How about

You know quite well, Henk. It is good that this ended before it
(re)started. That Susan provided a custom solution to appease.
How about you??

Fine now: Back to cruise the freeware terrains.
omega said:
PS Susan,

I want to get in a few words about ... the GAG thing.
Today is a whole new day, right?
You are well-rested? Feeling magnimous?
Mellow as a daisy field?
Or do I need to get some pasta & merlot delivered to you in advance?

Yum, bribes are good. :)

Today I think Bjorn and I *both* made mountains out of molehills. ;)

I'm sure Bjorn thought it was a simple request - and it was - but IMO
it's a matter of *preference* - not "right" or "wrong" - and it seemed
to me that *my* preferences should *sometimes* be taken into
consideration. . .

anyway. . .

At the moment I'm trying to figure out the company-author info for
TClock aka TClock Light

so far I have. . .

Kazubon (at the top of the page)


ACF program description post
Kazuto Sato

Care to help? Endless hours of fun await you. . .

Susan Bugher said:
At the moment I'm trying to figure out the company-author info for
TClock aka TClock Light

so far I have. . .

Kazubon (at the top of the page)

Kazubon's homepage. Kazubon as author in the reame. Kazubon listed in
the exe's file properties.
ACF program description post
Kazuto Sato

Author's real name, as Rod says in his followup. Since we don't know
Japanese, hard to guess if Kazuto and Kazubon are variations on the
same name...? I'm really most inclined to interpret that it's the usual
circumstance: the author has a nym which he uses for signing his programs,
separate from his birth name. Choice of two, I'd go with Kazubon. Or,
just as good, you could list Kazubon as company, and Kazuto Sato as author.

Throw that bit in the garbage pail, since it doesn't fit in anywhere.
Consider it some random error someone made along the way. Have the
accountants write it off.
omega said:
Kazubon's homepage. Kazubon as author in the reame. Kazubon listed in
the exe's file properties.

Author's real name, as Rod says in his followup. Since we don't know
Japanese, hard to guess if Kazuto and Kazubon are variations on the
same name...? I'm really most inclined to interpret that it's the usual
circumstance: the author has a nym which he uses for signing his programs,
separate from his birth name. Choice of two, I'd go with Kazubon. Or,
just as good, you could list Kazubon as company, and Kazuto Sato as author.

Throw that bit in the garbage pail, since it doesn't fit in anywhere.
Consider it some random error someone made along the way. Have the
accountants write it off.

I don't think so - I found that used on more than one site. . .

Since you tell me the exe and readme say Kazubon I'll use that for
author instead of Kazuto Sato, NAKTO for company.

alt.comp.freeware (ACF, acf) is one of three groups
dedicated to freeware. The other groups are:
alt.comp.freeware.games (ACFG)

Search alt.comp.freeware

Pricelessware information

acf information

acf Members Sites

acf FAQ


Thank you and to all others who posted links. I'll look at all
of them.

omega said:
Kazubon's homepage. Kazubon as author in the reame. Kazubon listed in
the exe's file properties.

Kazubon posting on the BBS, Kazubon having a blog here:

Author's real name, as Rod says in his followup. Since we don't know
Japanese, hard to guess if Kazuto and Kazubon are variations on the
same name...?

I very much doubt it.
I'm really most inclined to interpret that it's the usual
circumstance: the author has a nym which he uses for signing his programs,
separate from his birth name. Choice of two, I'd go with Kazubon. Or,
just as good, you could list Kazubon as company, and Kazuto Sato as author.

The given name is Kazuto and my guess is that he uses Kazubon as a
professional name, replacing the second character (to) of his name with
whatever 'bon' is. I don't think Kazubon is a real name at all and would
guess that he picked the 'bon' character because it made a compound he
liked a variant meaning of.
Throw that bit in the garbage pail, since it doesn't fit in anywhere.
Consider it some random error someone made along the way. Have the
accountants write it off.

Agreed. God knows where NAKTO crept in. Probably nonags found themselves
in the same situation that Susan has, and just invented it.

We could always email him and ask...

E-mail (e-mail address removed)