It will more than likely run on XP. Have you tried registering the ocx or
dll? Here is example usage of regsvr32, typed into the Run line:
regsvr32.exe glide2x.dll
To undo what you've done (uninstall), you would type:
regsvr32.exe /u glide2x.dll
Hopefully you know the ocx file it is asking for. May be too much work if
you don't, but to find out you could install Cliptray on a 98 sytem,
logging the install with Total Uninstall to find out what gets put into the
system. If you already have it installed in the win98 system, then
uninstalling it may not take out everything that was put in, so you may not
find out what you want when you reinstall. There is also a program called
Dependency Walker, but I haven't used it much... let me know if it works
(if you try it).
Stuff gets complicated huh
Thanks for that, I may give it a go, but will try "Scrapps" suggestion
This could be useful for other programs though.