explorer "delphi" problem



Pls remove the text "REMOV_NOSPAM" from my email .

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

Ramesh, i still get a news server error for too large a file - even with a
zipped version (it's 239K). i tried sending it to you directly but it
bounced with the following message:

The original message was received at Sat, 29 Nov 2003 19:27:23 -0500
from cisco5-port12.rivernet.net []

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 550 Host unknown)

----- Transcript of session follows -----
550 5.1.2 <sramesh2k@REMOV_NOSPAM.hotmail.com>... Host unknown (Name server:
remov_nospam.hotmail.com: host not found)

Gary Roach


I talked to some tech support at Bell Canada (high speed provider) re. this
problem and they suggested a number of things including removing internet
explorer from the windows components list in add/remove programs and then
reinstalling it and recreating the WAN miniport network connection. nothing
solved the problem. i noticed that there is still a reference to IEDriver in
the add/remove programs list even though ad-aware shows no items that need
to be removed. startuptracker still shows this being present on the system:


when i try to get rid of it using add/remove, i get the following error

run-time error '9': subscript out of range

and the uninstall fails.

PA Bear

App/IEDriver-A (aka IEDriver.exe, IEUPDATE.EXE, etc.)

Run HijackThis again
(http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/files/hijackthis.zip) and post your
files to http://forums.spywareinfo.com/ please, not here. Ramesh and other
MVPs monitor the forums.

Also update your virus definitions and then run a full system scan. From
now on, do both daily.
HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)

Protect Your PC


Ramesh [MVP]

Also, see here for removal:

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~


I talked to some tech support at Bell Canada (high speed provider) re. this
problem and they suggested a number of things including removing internet
explorer from the windows components list in add/remove programs and then
reinstalling it and recreating the WAN miniport network connection. nothing
solved the problem. i noticed that there is still a reference to IEDriver in
the add/remove programs list even though ad-aware shows no items that need
to be removed. startuptracker still shows this being present on the system:


when i try to get rid of it using add/remove, i get the following error

run-time error '9': subscript out of range

and the uninstall fails.

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