Rod Speedwrote:
w_tom said:
Do what laymen must do everywhere.
Where are their facts and numbers?
Where are yours ?
Where is even one number from a manufacturer's data sheet?
You've already been told about the power cycles in the
hard drive datasheets, you silly little pathological liar.
Propagandists and snake oil salesmen routinely avoid underlying
facts and the numbers so that their reasoning cannot be challenged.
True of terminal *** like you in spades.
This is why we teach concepts in Junior High School science.
Pity not one ever managed to make it thru your ear to ear bone.
For example, how do you know a fact? You have a
fundamental theory that is consistent with other known
facts and theories. And you have experimental evidence
that also demonstrates the theory. Both are required.
How odd that you never provided a shred of that yourself.
And most important, you have quantitative analysis - the numbers.
How odd that you never even provided a single one of those yourself.
In spades with your pig ignorant drivel you have spewed
for years now with regard to power line surges.
This to differentiate facts from myth purveyors,
junk scientists, and snake oil salesmen.
Yep, you qualify on all counts.
And everyone with a clue noticed that you havent actually provided
a SHRED of evidence or a single number or a single fact yourself
Still no numbers demonstrate how power cycling is so destructive.
You're clearly a pathological liar. NO ONE SAID A WORD
They make claims without even meeting
the criteria of Junior High School science.
True of you in spades.
The best reason provided is a subjective
'thermal changes are so destructive'.
Lying, again. No one even mentioned SO
DESTRUCTIVE except you, you pathological liar.
Tens of degrees will damage what was not damaged when
manufactured using repeated 'hundreds of degrees' cycling?
Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have
never ever had a *** clue about anything at all, ever.
Again, the perspective of numbers.
Again, you flaunting your terminal pig ignorance.
Somehow they just know - feel - these so
gentle temperature changes are destructive.
More of your pathological lying. NO ONE SAID A WORD ABOUT
These myth purveyors, that I have challenged previously for
doing same elsewhere, then do what myth purveyors must do.
True of pathological liars like you in spades.
I posted expecting such personal attacks because of
their repeated history. This another damning fact for
layman's analysis. Since they cannot challenge the facts,
Not a single fact from you, liar.
Nope, just point out that are a pathological
liar and anyone with a clue can see that for
themselves with your lies about 'so destructive'
You're no 'messsenger', just a pathological liar/pig ignorant ***.
Another propaganda technique that is effective if the reader
forgets the symptoms of junk science. Just another damning
fact that demonstrates junk science reasoning is alive and well.
Yep, thats what keeps spewing from your arse, time after time after
If they really had facts, then those numbers would have been posted.
True of you in spades, liar.
Andy wrote:
As an ignoramus in matters technical, I don't feel right about
joining either of the warring sides in this overheated free-for-all.
What I will say is that I find ad hominem arguments neither
convincing nor illuminating. Your presentation of your case
impressed me. Thanks for your contribution.
Yes and thanks, I stand by my original post and my web page on the
You know, this is the first post I've been called names over. I have
almost 25 years in this game and I'm not amused by 16 year old
snerts. I hope this doesn't reoccur with any degree of regularity,
or I'll be gone. I won't have my name smeared by anyone. Especially
someone who doesn't know me and I've never met.
I don't have to share what my experiance has taught me with anyone. I
normally get 150 dollars an hour for that. People don't call me
names. Trust me, they don't... They're damned glad to have me.