Excel 2007 VBA: Convert laaaaarge number to Hex

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GS explained :
I'm still getting the errors on the large number but the truncated number in
B1 returns a value.

Note that I also see that asterisk missing in the previous functions you
posted, which were also done via copy/paste! ..???

I was able to get both functions to work (seemingly) by inserting a
leading asterisk in the 1st line so that the entire string is wrapped
with asterisks. Is this correct?
GS pretended :
GS explained :

I was able to get both functions to work (seemingly) by inserting a leading
asterisk in the 1st line so that the entire string is wrapped with asterisks.
Is this correct?

Oops! Spoke too soon. The worksheet still persists the #VALUE! error!
Ron Rosenfeld pretended :
Something is strange in your system.

I copy/pasted Rick's code; the asterisks were there, and the code worked as

Thanks for confirming. Interestly, both versions of Rick's function
contain different values in BinValues. The 1st posted version does not
contain a trailing asterisk in my news reader where the 2nd version
does contain a trailing asterisk but is missing an asterisk at the end
of the split in the string. Very weird! I tried the original posted
version on another machine and got the same results as on this machine.
When I put asterisks between every set of 4-digit values AND
prepend/append the entire string with asterisks it seems to work.
However, I don't know if it works correctly. The values I get are...

In A1: 37719831058777893
In A2: =bigdec2hex(A1)
result: 8601FC8B3F0725

In B1: 37719831
In B2: =bigdec2hex(B1)
result: 23F8F17

Can you verify these results?
Oops! Spoke too soon. The worksheet still persists
the #VALUE! error!

I am not sure what to tell you Garry... the function works properly here on
my system (and on others who have copy/pasted it in the past)... the code
was copy/pasted into my newsgroup message before I posted it. So the
BinValues constant for both posted functions were correct when I posted them
and both show the correct number of asterisks in my news reader (Windows
Mail Live) when I look at them now. And yes, there is an asterisk between
every 4 binary digits and an asterisk on each end. Also, in case it matters,
in the last For..Next loop, this part of the included expression...

Mid$(BinaryString, X, 4)

has an asterisk concatenated on both sides as well (it is how I insure an
exact match of calculated binary values). As I said, I am unsure what to
tell you as the file you sent me works correctly here on my computer ever
since I put the missing asterisk back in. I cannot come up with any reason
for why your computer is not able to run the code, other than perhaps a
virus or faulty memory chips. Are you sure your computer is working
correctly on your end?

Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel)
Rick's routine works fine for your specific problem.
But if need precision for more than Excel's 15 digits,
for a number of different functions, I would suggest
the Xnumbers add-in which can allow precision as
high as 4030 digits, depending on the version of
Excel and desired speed.
See http://www.thetropicalevents.com/Xnumbers60/

I thought I wildly exceeded anyone's possible need when I provided for up to
28 decimal digits that could yield Hex numbers consisting of as many as 24
Hex-digits; but 4030 digits? MY GOD!!!

Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel)
Thanks for persisting! Here's the code from your 2nd post as I copied
from my newsreader:

Function BigDec2Hex(ByVal DecimalIn As Variant, _
Optional BitSize As Long = 93) As String
Dim X As Integer, PowerOfTwo As Variant, BinaryString As String
Const BinValues = "0000*0001*0010*0011*0100*0101*0110*0111" & _
Const HexValues = "0123456789ABCDEF"
DecimalIn = Int(CDec(DecimalIn))
If DecimalIn < 0 Then
If BitSize > 0 Then
PowerOfTwo = 1
For X = 1 To BitSize
PowerOfTwo = 2 * CDec(PowerOfTwo)
End If
DecimalIn = PowerOfTwo + DecimalIn
If DecimalIn < 0 Then
BigDec2Hex = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
End If
Do While DecimalIn <> 0
BinaryString = Trim$(Str$(DecimalIn - 2 * _
Int(DecimalIn / 2))) & BinaryString
DecimalIn = Int(DecimalIn / 2)
BinaryString = String$((4 - Len(BinaryString) Mod 4) _
Mod 4, "0") & BinaryString
For X = 1 To Len(BinaryString) - 3 Step 4
BigDec2Hex = BigDec2Hex & Mid$(HexValues, (4 + InStr(BinValues, _
"*" & Mid$(BinaryString, X, 4) & "*")) \ 5, 1)
End Function

Here's the code from your 1st post which I just copied from my
newsreader, but is not what I used...

Function BigDec2Hex(ByVal DecimalIn As Variant, Optional BitSize As
Long = 93) As String
Dim X As Integer, PowerOfTwo As Variant, BinaryString As String
Const BinValues =
Const HexValues = "0123456789ABCDEF"
DecimalIn = Int(CDec(DecimalIn))
If DecimalIn < 0 Then
If BitSize > 0 Then
PowerOfTwo = 1
For X = 1 To BitSize
PowerOfTwo = 2 * CDec(PowerOfTwo)
End If
DecimalIn = PowerOfTwo + DecimalIn
If DecimalIn < 0 Then
BigDec2Hex = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
End If
Do While DecimalIn <> 0
BinaryString = Trim$(Str$(DecimalIn - 2 * Int(DecimalIn / 2))) &
DecimalIn = Int(DecimalIn / 2)
BinaryString = String$((4 - Len(BinaryString) Mod 4) Mod 4, "0") &
For X = 1 To Len(BinaryString) - 3 Step 4
BigDec2Hex = BigDec2Hex & Mid$(HexValues, (4 + InStr(BinValues, "*"
& Mid$(BinaryString, X, 4) & "*")) \ 5, 1)
End Function

Note how the 1st line of BinValues (2nd post) does not have a trailing
asterisk. Note also how BinValues (1st post) does not have a trailing

Here's what I was able to get to work:

Const BinValues = "*0000*0001*0010*0011*0100*0101*0110*0111*" _
& "1000*1001*1010*1011*1100*1101*1110*1111*"

According to Ron, this renders the correct values. I take by your
explanation that this version of BinValues is the correct one. Strange
my reader displays 2 different versions of the same post. Mind you,
asterisks are how my reader displays boldface text and so I exect I
will not see the 1st/last asterisk and the string's 1st line will be
boldface. I'll confirm this after I post and if this is the case then I
may have to change my newsreader. (I only use mesnews because Karl
Peterson recommended it)
Ok, the 1st line of my string is boldface and I do not see the
leading/trailing asterisks. I'll see if I can turn this feature off
before changing to another reader.
Ron Rosenfeld formulated on Saturday :
Those are the same answers I get both from Rick's code as well as from

Thanks, Ron! See my reply to Rick regarding the way my newsreader
(mesnews) displays text wrapped in asterisks to understand why I had
problems with the code 'as posted'.