Everything u can think of 2 help a puter illiterate

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I now have new things on my puter i don't know what they r -eg. MSN
installer? Hot mail?

When Windows was reinstalled by the store, these were probably extras that
were included with the original installation CD. My guess is that you
deleted them waaay baaaaccckk (on the old install) and forgot about them.
fishinfan said:
u r welcome 2 use any of my ??'s when u need a laugh w/ your friends!
is my (server)? Approx. 2 weeks ago i paid Curcuit City employee $240.00
erase my puter due 2 a virus he said - approx 4weeks ago i upgraded from
NetZero Platinum to 3G highspeed which has Norton Anti-V - HOW could i get
virus? Employee charged me $90.00 to install Norton again and I still use
I now have new things on my puter i don't know what they r -eg. MSN
installer? Hot mail? (i have netzero mail) I don't understand how the
telephone line works? SOOOOO many ??'s I can't think of em all now!!!!
Thank you very much if u can help me mf!! Whats an IP address? etc...

Please refrain from using chatline writing techniques on usenet.
There's nothing wrong when using chat methodology communication typing
methods in such conversations. Meant to be trite short lines to convey
little real information. Simply conversational, meant to be typed quickly
to convey a similar vocal conversation speed.

There are 2 glaring aspects of differentiation when conveying information
meant to convey information regarding hardware/software problems using such
a method on usenet. Accuracy of information, and chat communication
shortcuts that defeat communication of the actual problems.

Whimsically stating other problems in vague terms, compounded by such
communication methods only confuses the reader even more.

Protesting such methods is appropriate, but may result in future similar

Text messages and similar are the result of tech that many people live by.
And, develop that as a primary communication method. Not many people
actually write and type English, grammatically correct, anymore. I just
hope it doesn't become vocal in a similar way.

I wrote this freehand, without aid of a spelling or grammar correction tool.
I finished high school, that's it.
LVTravel said:
I totally agree when you say in dire trouble re: "Curcuit City (sic)" not
to mention the English problems.

Ken, we all try to help those that do not use English as a first language.
The worse part is that the "kids" are now using some of the slang from
text and chat in normal conversation. It is just like the person at
McDonalds (or other fine eating establishments) that can't make change
when you give them $10.07 for a $9.47 meal without a calculator or cash
register doing the math for them. Some of these are high school
graduates. It is called the dumbing-down of America.

Inappropriate. Most retail sales cash registers require exact monies
provided by the buyer/purchaser. This includes McDonalds. Whether the
change is known or not by the person operating the cash register, the change
provided will be as noted by the register, not the operator's estimation of
such. If the register fails during the transaction, the manager will make
such change. Usually under assist of paperizing arithmetic. After that,
the doors close until power is restored.

Current public schools in general do not promote the "drudgery" of repetive
arithmetic problems and their solutions. So promoting managed solutions at
the learned level. Rather, shortcuts to such solutions. Its certainly not
the fault of the students/"kids". Just the environment that is forced upon
Jonny said:
Inappropriate. Most retail sales cash registers require
exact monies provided by the buyer/purchaser. This
includes McDonalds. Whether the change is known or not by
the person operating the cash register, the change
provided will be as noted by the register, not the
operator's estimation of such. If the register fails
during the transaction, the manager will make such change.
Usually under assist of paperizing arithmetic. After
that, the doors close until power is restored.

Current public schools in general do not promote the
"drudgery" of repetive arithmetic problems and their
solutions. So promoting managed solutions at the learned
level. Rather, shortcuts to such solutions. Its
certainly not the fault of the students/"kids". Just the
environment that is forced upon them.
You are so right when you say that public school do not
promote the process of learning. I teach people from ages
16 to as old as 73 in the Emergency Medical Technician
program in my home state. Yesterday, I evaluated another
instructor's course and the poor math skills of the younger
students reared it's ugly head again. The student simply
counted to 39 and multiplied by two in his head and came out
with a pulse rate of 79. It is impossible to multiply a
whole number (even if it is an odd number like 39) and come
out with an odd number. That should have told the student
that his answer was wrong. That concept was totally lost on
the prospective Emergency Medical Technician who may some
day work on you or me. It is NOT the responsibility of an
EMT instructor to teach the student how to add or multiply
two numbers together, it is the primary school's
responsibility which has failed, in other words, "the
dumbing down of America."

As for your information about the cash register. It makes
absolutely no difference to a store if there is 10 dimes or
20 nickels in the register as long as there is $1.00 in the
drawer. Where the change comes from and how change is given
does not matter to a store as long as the register amount
compares favorably with the cash drawer amount at the end of
a shift.