u r welcome 2 use any of my ??'s when u need a laugh w/ your friends! What
is my (server)? Approx. 2 weeks ago i paid Curcuit City employee $240.00 to
erase my puter due 2 a virus he said - approx 4weeks ago i upgraded from
NetZero Platinum to 3G highspeed which has Norton Anti-V - HOW could i get a
virus? Employee charged me $90.00 to install Norton again and I still use 3G!
I now have new things on my puter i don't know what they r -eg. MSN
installer? Hot mail? (i have netzero mail) I don't understand how the private
telephone line works? SOOOOO many ??'s I can't think of em all now!!!! lol
Thank you very much if u can help me mf!! Whats an IP address? etc...
is my (server)? Approx. 2 weeks ago i paid Curcuit City employee $240.00 to
erase my puter due 2 a virus he said - approx 4weeks ago i upgraded from
NetZero Platinum to 3G highspeed which has Norton Anti-V - HOW could i get a
virus? Employee charged me $90.00 to install Norton again and I still use 3G!
I now have new things on my puter i don't know what they r -eg. MSN
installer? Hot mail? (i have netzero mail) I don't understand how the private
telephone line works? SOOOOO many ??'s I can't think of em all now!!!! lol
Thank you very much if u can help me mf!! Whats an IP address? etc...