Everything Is Working Perfectly - Help???

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dwight Stewart
  • Start date Start date
The fact that you have everything backed up rather worries me as this in
definitely not normal for most mortals.I just hope you have copies of your
backups on a separate drive at another location as I am sure that you state
of Utopia cannot last. You have tempted Fate by telling us so check at once
your house and contents insurance are up to date.:-))

During the preview phase of XP I had it installed on 2 PCs and just
waiting for it to crash.

I kept waiting..... and waiting.....

My final verdict... it was boringly stable.

But then all my PCs (bar the notebook) are homebuilt and I know
exactly what's in them!

Even after clean installing final versions on all of them (including
the notebook) I get very few 'nasties' occuring. In fact the only two
semi-scares I've had were due to hard drive failure (Maxtors), both
drives were replaced under warranty and I do plenty of backups.
They're for the days I'm paranoid and those just in case scenarios.
Even major hardware changes (mobo and cpu) and gone without a hitch
(just a Repair Installation)..... all critical updates installed.

Even my Windows 2003 Server runs quietly in its corner 24/7 - and some
days I don't even look at it!


I had the same "Problem". I posted to the Beta groups how disappointed
I was that I couldn't filoe any bug reports and wasn't able to enjoy the
full, Beta tester experience :)



Programmers write "Help Files" for a reason. use them.

"Due to Viewer dicretion...
Graphic violence is advised"

Everything on my computer is working perfectly. No errors. No startup
problems. No programs crashing. No delays. No viruses. Everything is
properly backed up. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? ;-)

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)


Try turning the computer on and using it :)



Programmers write "Help Files" for a reason. use them.

"Due to Viewer dicretion...
Graphic violence is advised"

David said:
You're doomed!!!

That's exactly what I thought just last night. The UPS kicked in (power
surge) and put my computer into hibernation right in the middle of me typing
a message for one of these newsgroups. Caught off guard, the very first
thing I thought of was this message thread (I obviously dared fate one too
many times). However, as you can see, everything is fine.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

Are you serious? Now that I have everything working, I'm never going to
touch it again. ;-)

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)


Incase it in acrylic. Put a fence around it with Concertina wire.
Electricfy the fence. Get some Guards dogs. Hire a a Security firm.
Install an alarm sytem. Lo-jack the system, etc...... :)



Programmers write "Help Files" for a reason. use them.

"Due to Viewer dicretion...
Graphic violence is advised"

Please see MS Knowledge Base article KB530667 to fix this bug.
Apparently, a team of teenagers reversed-engineered the OS, and made it

This fix will set everything back to normal, and even ask if you want to
pre-order Longhorn!
David said:
Incase it in acrylic. Put a fence around it with
Concertina wire. Electricfy the fence. Get some
Guards dogs. Hire a a Security firm. Install an
alarm sytem. Lo-jack the system, etc...... :)

Why do I get the feeling some are just sitting around waiting for me to
report my computer has died? Not you, David, just in general (yours just
happened to be the message I was reading when I thought of this). I mean, I
feel like some just can't wait to have the last laugh at my expense. Or, now
that I've tempted fate, am I just getting overly paranoid? :-)

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)
