Estimates on money lost because of VB.NET

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maybe it should be in the shape of an ass dildo for you commie pinko


Any particular metal? How about some copper? I've always
thought that had a nice tone to it. Or maybe some tin or
aluminum or talc or steel or iron or brass. And in what
form? Just a clump? Or should be it shaped. What do you
think? Sphere? Cube? There's such a multitude of choices
to make when giving someone a metal.

Robin S.

If you are so much interested in PHP, i hope you should be happy to
know that there is a Google group( ) for
Professional PHP Developers(not sure if you could suit in that group
and moreover you cannot spam in that group like you do in this group).

suprisingly I do not see any of your posts in that group though you
support so much for PHP. It looks like you like VB .Net so much that
you do not want to leave this group inspite of harsh criticism from the
group members.
Well, that's a possibility, it's certainly a shape.
However, the metal is not for me, so that's a
superfluous comment! Thanks for thinking of me though!

Robin S.
It must have been "Hello World #1". ROFL

What the ****ing idiot hasnt learned yet is that he will have to
rewrite it next year "Hello World #2" - when MS tell him that the
development software they made before is now considered "no good". Or
when they announce that the latest greatest thing will eliminate

The Grand Master
*** VbCrLF: "Visual Basic Classic Revival Liberation Front" ***
*** VB 6.0 Jihad - Fighing for what belongs to us. ***
*** ***

Eat shit and die. If I was looking for a job what makes you think I
would want to work for a lamer like you. You are not capable of
thinking for yourself - and only believe the garbage the MS force feed

The Grand Master
*** VbCrLF: "Visual Basic Classic Revival Liberation Front" ***
*** VB 6.0 Jihad - Fighing for what belongs to us. ***
*** ***

You should be gassed and turned into lampshades or soap.
I picked up VB.Net easy while i was still programming in VB6 , but hey
maybe this was because in VB6 a class was not a mystery to me .

Yeah, sure you did - LOL. Like..... HELLO WORLD !

The Grand Master
Aaron, Master Programmer: You guys sound like a little a couple of
kids having a temper-tantrum because you no longer having the newest
toy. Just relax. Change is good, embrace it. If it weren't for
change, we wouldn't have the internet or computers or electricity or
anything. We would still be hunting for food with our bare hands or
picking it off bushes.
Are you on crack? What appliaction are you writing that could honestly
be quicker in VB6?

The truth is that VB6 has no power. It never did. If you wanted a
powerful language, there was always C or C++.

Most developers were eager to learn Dot Net and many of them learnt it
in their spare time. We have seen a massive increase in the
productivity rates of the developers since moving to dot net. We have
also halved our help desk calls (for WinForms apps) as the maintenance
developers find it much easier to fix dot net applications than VB6
ones and dot net has proper error handling.

Unfortunately VB.NET retained many legacy commands from VB6 to assist
developers in crossing over. That damn "GOTO" command being my pet
hate. Due to this, I prefer developers to use C# as these commands are
not available for them to write sloppy code.

Dot net provides COM interoperability for all our legacy libraries so
we are still using our old code. When additions are required to old
libraries, we often find it quicker to re-develop in dot net than to
add it to the VB6 library. We designed our systems with lots of small
libraries so it was easy to replace, although it has added to the
nightmare of maintaining VB6 over the years.

The real power of dot net comes in the object model provided. The use
of multi-threading, reflection and xml kill anything VB6 has.

The last key benifit of dot net is the IDE and what an awesome IDE it
is. It beats any other IDE I have ever used. Why would I want to use
notepad to develop an applciation?

Do some more research and come back with a valid argument that does not
involve a temper-tantrum and is actually backed with some intelligence
and not just your 2 cents.
listen bitch

I am just speaking up for the language that those mother ****ers killed
without a viable alternative.

since this is THE vb newsgroup; i'll be damned if I leave this group.

I've been bitching for years in the access group but those idiots in
Access dept lost their head and went back to DAO -- I mean SERIOUSLY

I just think that VB programmers throughout the world should stage a
SIT-IN across the 520 bridge in order to raise attention to our plight

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but there is a sit-in on 520 twice a day, Monday
through Friday. The people sit in their cars instead of on the road, but
it has the same effect. Have you ever driven the bridge during rush hour?

I don't know why I'm posting this again since I know it will fall on deaf
ears. It seems that you haven't yet learned that complaining accomplishes
nothing in this world. You have convinced no one on any of these newsgroups
to follow your path and return to VB6.

I already gave you the answer to your problem, but you ignored me. The plan
was for you to develop a business plan that would purchase the rights of
VB6 from Microsoft. Then you would be able to support and enhance the language
in a way that was faithful to its current use. If Microsoft wouldn't sell
the rights outright (and since they continue to use the name "Visual Basic"
for new releases, I'm sure they wouldn't), you could instead negotiate a
long-term license for the VB6 code base and name. Trust me on this: if you
ponied up a suitable business plan that provided reasonable licensing income
to Microsoft, they would be happy to work with you. They already license
other technology; they even license the VBA engine for developer use. They
would certainly be open to licensing the VB6 code base.

Considering your previous posts, I know that you will never take this advice.
You have a lot of vibratto, and if you are as good of a programmer as you
claim to be, you could pull off this plan, or at least team up with a business
leader who could carry out the plan with you. My guess is that some smart
reader on this very forum will take me up on this plan and contact Microsoft
about branching off the VB6 system. It could be you, but as it stands now,
I doubt it.
listen bitch

my complaining has already solved more bugs than your complacency

you want some demo cases/ test plans?

they don't license VBA anyomre; they're all stuck on VSA now.. because
'its the next great thing'

if they were serious about licensing VBA then OpenOffice would have
been able to license it.

and I've seen enough failed VBA licenses to not want to touch this.

maybe you in your infinite wisdom should do this yourself?

I just think that it's horseshit we've proven time and time again that is .NOT a viable alternative

there should be a real sit in.

people handcuffing themselves to the bridge

mother ****ing pigs already attacked me -- with tear gas and rubber
bullets in '98 -- and i'll be damned if they're going to scare me
away.. im not scared of stupid pigs

I personally prefer vbNewLine over vbCrLF... but does one have any
advantage over the other?

I like ControlChars.CrLf -- It seems more .Net-ty, and works in
both VB *and* C#.

Robin S.
I've used classes in VB6.. I've also seen _A_LOT_ of dipshits take a
bas/module and paste it into a class and they think that they've
mastered OOP.

Classes in VB6 had all of the functionality that we NEEDED.


I would like to nominate for an award for 'worst programming
language ever'

anyone know where I can do this?


Tell your Mum.

She's probably the only person who cares.

Maybe she can print a certificate for you or something?

good stuff man

my mom's been dead for 10 years already; I dont think that you can make
her roll over anymore than she already has LoL

she rolled over in her grave when MS killed VB for sure; I mean-- it
was the worlds most popular langauge.

There is no viable upgrade path or alternative except BITCHING UP A

