Rod Speed
My son has that one and he uses it for hig 250GB HD
with no problems whatsoever. It claims ATA 66/100/133.
And others have seen problems. Thats the problem with
flouting standards, can result in fangs in the arse at the
most inappropriate moments, when you discover that
what you thought was a viable backup copy isnt.
I used an older model bay for that.
And thats why I suggested trying the restore
without it, to see if it was the problem.
I checked up on that unit and the vendors I talked
with claim they have had no problems with it.
And others have seen problems. One just recently in csiphs.
I have yet to talk to Directron, however, and they
have the final say as far as I am concerned because
they do an incredible volume of business. I believe
they get over 10,000 hits per day to their website.
I use the standards instead.
I will stick with PATA for now.
I will keep it as a backup machine.
Yeah, I havent had just one for many many years now.
I have a spare port on my router that I can hook
it to and do a refresh of new files now and then.
Yeah, I do that, keep the image file on one of the other PCs on the lan.
I may use that Enermax box to make archives by removing
the mirror disk each week and putting it back in a week later
to build a new mirror for archiving. I don't see any need for
dynamic mirroring - just disaster recovery backup once a week.
The reason for using that unit instead of a software approach
is that I can plug in the second drive hot and remove it hot
after the mirror is built. IOW, it is effortless - I do not have
to dedicate a special time to do the backup.
I wouldnt flout the standard myself.
I can put a
Whoops, the fault must be back |-)