.......and in reply I say!:
I am not having a go at you, but the printers.
(1) So unless we are really careful, use manufacturer's ink, at full
(2) When the ink gets "low" (when is that?? How low?) throw the
cartridge out, because it's not being cleaned?
These are genuine but not happy questions. I have an Epson here that I
am going to try to resurrect with window cleaner, because basically
it's RS. I didn't use colour for a while, because I thought that by
using Print BW only I could stop wasting colour ink, and I think I
have an aftermarket colour cart in there. The head is clogged.
Is there a printer that I can just have sitting on my desk that I want
to print the odd page? There seem to be very few, and they appear not
to be Epson..
So far as I can see, I have to run a print once a week at least, make
sure it's turned off, pay Aud$65 for a piddly little cartridge, watch
the thing chew ink at a rate that has nothing to do with my printing,
only print multi-page documents, because otherwise I use more ink
cleaing than the print takes. For all that, at present I reckon that,
even if I do NOT have to throw out the printer, what with wasted
cartridges and amazing usage per page, I am running at about $1.50 per
(b/w printed matter) page at least.
I know that we have to maintain a car as well, but this is a _printer_
not a car, and I do _not_ have to baby my ruddy car every day, just to
get it to run.
The printhead is capped every time after each printing. When the printehead
is in the right, it is capped.
There is another factor some people mention not to let the printer on
without printing. The heating inside the printer couse faster ink drying.
The most faults to a Epson printer caused from two reasons.
1.. bad refilled or compatible cartridges. This is not permanent if someone
corrects the problem in one day or so.
2.. when the "low ink" message appears, the printer don't do any cleaning
cycle. This is a dangerous situation. Some people seeing their ink is low,
do ink saving, till to buy the next ink cartridges. But, whille in this
situation (some times months) no cleaning at all.
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I was frightened by the idea of a conspiracy that was
causing it all.
But then I was terrified that maybe there was no plan,
really. Is this unpleasant mess all a mistake?