Max Quordlepleen
Never mind sharkù, I have found bodhisattva elsewhere.Blinky, may I have a look at that filter? I think I will try
something similar in Xnews. Fa'afetai.
Never mind sharkù, I have found bodhisattva elsewhere.Blinky, may I have a look at that filter? I think I will try
something similar in Xnews. Fa'afetai.
|Right. It's more like a flooding. A little flooding of on-topic info fine.
|Some day, someone will find a great program in your posts and will be
This is bocoming boring. From my viewpoint, posting a link for aI won't mention names or pseudonyms but I've noticed that there are
people here who post sheer endless numbers of what lookes like
recommendations of programs. However, as it turns out they have not
used most of them, not even downloaded the software or at least
visited homesites. If they had done so they would not heve mention
some of them. These people have absolutely nothing to say about the
software they list here.
Anyone can post endless numbers of programs he/she has not used,
simply by copying and pasting from websites, but why do that? Simply
by chance some will even be OK, or, in some instances, even very good.
But what's the point when we are not informed about home sites,
download sizes and user's (i.e. the poster's) experiences?
I suggest these people restrict themselves to recommendations of
programs they have actually used and know something about.
Anyone can google for freeware sound editors, file managers, clipboard
extenders, text editors etc. or visit freeware sites (with long
lists!). Postings from people we actually use the programs they
recommend are useful, particularly when the say why they prefer them
to other other similar software. Posting the names of endless numbers
of programs which were never even looked at by the poster is useless.
Sorry folks, had to post this.
This is bocoming boring. From my viewpoint, posting a link for a
program that has not been downloaded and evaluated is about as useful
as teats on a bull. For the past couple of weeks I have been saving
Tramp msgs for future checking out but I am now coming around to
realizing that this is a waste of time. I'll never get around to
checking out 99% of what I've saved.
Why doesn't Tramp just set up a freeware web page and make life simple
for simple folks like me?
so we can put the savings for us software junkies where it really
belongs.... (into that 7.7GHZ P17 w/72TB HD and 512MG Video, with a Cable
accelerated connection....![]()
"For modem connected readers like myself it takes a lot of time to
fetch all
these messages, and it doesn't help to filter them, the news program
still fetches them and then marks them read." -- Amen
"I would prefer one long message as it is faster to download." --
Multiple messages take longer/are harder to read. For example, most
of the screen is devoted to repetative information.
"This is becoming boring." -- No, it IS boring.
"For modem connected readers like myself it takes a lot of time to
fetch all these messages, and it doesn't help to filter them, the
news program still fetches them and then marks them read."
-- Amen
"I would prefer one long message as it is faster to download." --
Multiple messages take longer/are harder to read. For example,
most of the screen is devoted to repetative information.
The only real argument for multiple messages is that threads are
easier to follow if each is about one program or other theme.
While true, responsibility for deciding whether a follow-up
message belongs under a list (e.g., several broken links) or
should be a new thread/appended to an existing thread, is really
the responsibility of the person who initiates a reply -- or the
more experienced or thoughtful person who replies.
I would prefer a few "mistaken" complex threads than dozens of
separate unevaluated link messages. Individual messages about a
program that has not been evalueated should be a response to a
John Fitzsimons said:I got this newsgroup on dialup for years and it was NEVER a problem
downloading the messages. If it took too long I simply went off and
did something else eg. had breakfast.![]()
but what Roger said:I agree with both Steve and Ted, and I want to add that for modem
connected readers like myself it takes a lot of time to fetch all
these messages,
and it doesn't help to filter them, the news program still fetches
them and then marks them read.
I would prefer one long message as it is faster to download, and
if it is long enough it will not even be downloaded, as my message
size limit would prevent downloading.
Ted said:For the past couple of weeks I have been saving Tramp msgs for future
checking out but I am now coming around to realizing that this is a
waste of time. I'll never get around to checking out 99% of what
I've saved.
Roger said:Exactly. For people who want loads of links to check out it can
not be too much work to go to his web site and get his latest
lists. Tramp could announce new lists here with a direct link to
the latest list.
But maybe that wouldn't be such a booster for his ego.
I have a modem, too, and I can't understand what's the difference if
Tramp posts 50 freeware findings, or if 50 people post one finding
each? You'd still have to download those messages. And plain text
messages download pretty fast.
Anne said:I have a modem, too, and I can't understand what's the difference if
Tramp posts 50 freeware findings, or if 50 people post one finding
each? You'd still have to download those messages. And plain text
messages download pretty fast.
I guess you do not pay your phone bills per minute as we do in my
It gets expensive to do it that way.
And your suggestion to download only headers first, mark the headers I
want to read, call back and download the bodies for those, no it is
even more expensive and tedious, not a realistic option.
There is a charge for each phone call, on top of the per minute
charge. Phone bills work like that in most of the world.
I have heard that in USA some people have free phone calls, only a
monthly charge, or something like that. It doesn't work like that in
most other countries.
Anyway we cannot base our policies on american conditions, this is an
international newsgroup. More and more people from other countries are
joining, and within a few years the americans will be a minority.
A few more years and they will be a an unsignificantly small minority.
I guess you do not pay your phone bills per minute as we do in my
country. It gets expensive to do it that way.
And your suggestion to download only headers first, mark the headers I
want to read, call back and download the bodies for those, no it is
even more expensive and tedious, not a realistic option.
There is a charge for each phone call, on top of the per minute
charge. Phone bills work like that in most of the world.
I have heard that in USA some people have free phone calls, only a
monthly charge, or something like that. It doesn't work like that in
most other countries.
Anyway we cannot base our policies on american conditions, this is an
international newsgroup. More and more people from other countries are
joining, and within a few years the americans will be a minority.
A few more years and they will be a an unsignificantly small minority.
I guess you do not pay your phone bills per minute as we do in my
country. It gets expensive to do it that way.
And your suggestion to download only headers first, mark the headers I
want to read, call back and download the bodies for those, no it is
even more expensive and tedious, not a realistic option.
There is a charge for each phone call, on top of the per minute
charge. Phone bills work like that in most of the world.
I have heard that in USA some people have free phone calls, only a
monthly charge, or something like that. It doesn't work like that in
most other countries.
Anyway we cannot base our policies on american conditions, this is an
international newsgroup. More and more people from other countries are
joining, and within a few years the americans will be a minority.
A few more years and they will be a an unsignificantly small minority.
I really can't see why anyone would seriously want to download EVERY
body... I mean... what happens when a spammer hits, d'you download all
that too???
Works out cheaper for me.
Dial up, download the headers for all the groups I read, download
email at same time. Log off.
Browse the groups, marking each header I wish to download the body to
- a very easy job using the N and M hotkeys ( Forte Agent ) with one
hand and holding a cuppa in the other.
Dial up, download bodies, upload email, log off.
You are ALREADY doing that! Agent only downloads bodies when you click
on the header.
Your using an offline reader, why not take advatage of
the options.
I doubt that,
the header DL is far from expensive and the daily posts to this
group are not that heavy, would you like to see the posting stats for
the group?
You don't seem to understand the difference between postings about
lists of untried, untested, unchecked programs, which may or may
not be valuable, may or may not really be freeware, and
recommendations from people who have found really good programs,
which they have checked that they really are freeware and have
features which make them better in some ways than other programs.
That is what this is about.
The people who like lists of untested programs which may be real
freeware are ready to use such links to download such programs,
test them, check their freeware status, find out if they are
valuable, because they like to find new freeware.
These people would have just as much use for a link to a list to
new freeware links, than to have the full list published in the
newsgroup, as they are prepared to use their browsers to go to a
programs web site, read about it, download it, test it, etc..
Others want recommendations about programs which have been tested,
checked that they really are freeware, programs which somebody
really have found to be valuable.
These readers only download programs they have read details and
good comments about, programs which one or more people can
These readers have no use for long lists of links to fairly
unknown new programs, as they cannot afford or do not have time to
test unknown programs.
(e-mail address removed) ( Steve H) wrote:
That means you have to check out each message twice and waste a lot of
time marking messages, and dialup twice.
If you see some interesting header you have to wait until you have
downloaded it to see the content.