Do you want to say that my answer in this thread is wrong also, or
would you
rather just cut your losses?
What "answer"? you have FAILED to answer anything, Rafters!
You have FAILED to understand my answers. I don't hold any hope of you
actually understanding any of it. If you ask more concise questions, I
may have to get less general with my answers.
Answer the question moron: how does S, ASS, get permission to
There you go again with the insults - It doesn't, and I never said that
it did, in fact I implied that it would remain encrypted until someone
you trusted with a *key* decrypted it (only as secure as the key
management is) - at which point you called me names and told me that
keys had nothing to do with it and that it was being magically decrypted
You clearly don't understand encryption and the different ways it can be
used. I'm beginning to think that you don't have the capability to
From C or Z or both (in your opinion, flawed as it is)?
C and Z share a symmetric key that is unique to that session, there are
no others with a key (and yes, keys are indeed used despite what you may
Are you ready to attack me for my other answer?
I'll wait.