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And you attacked me for criticizing a program dumping out keys onto a system
when those did not apply to that system, that program's actions as reported.

No, no I didn't.
Some keys related to some of the services not used by 98. Others keys
related to software that could be found, or not found, on either OS. The
whole point is that any software that gets to stage A of functionality,
it has the ability to READ the target registry.

This was not an OS issue, how can you not get that through your head.
You are so outrageously fixated on your tiresome XP singsonging. Wave
your XP rahrah flag when you want, Bob. But don't bring it in when it
is not the issue at hand.

OK Karen let's see if we can agree to disagree:

I say SafeXP did no harm to my registry, and you say it hosed yours.

I'll take your word for it if you'll take my word for it. (I never doubted
you in the first place)
tiresome XP singsonging,,,Wave
your XP rahrah flag when you want, Bob.

You seem to be implying here that I am trying to push Windows XP on you. Far
from it! I'm totally pragmatic about software. Software is cold,
inanimate, and without feeling. All the software in the world is not worth 1
friendship to me. It's just a collection of 1's and 0's. I neither love nor
hate software. I find it either useful, neutral, or not useful. You seem to
exhibit strong loyalty and emotional attachment to software. That will not
serve you well Karen, because software can never return your loyalty. Well,
not yet anyway! :)

I save my loyalty and affection for my friends and family, and treat
software as a thing, not as a binary friend. I don't take it personally when
a program adds 6 keys to my registry unsolicited. I look at the usefulness
of the program in total.

Again, I rate SafeXP a 7/10, which is far from being a flattering rating.

I do not like or dislike SafeXP. I do find it somewhat useful. It's a very
quick way to de-activate and re-activate unneeded or unsafe Windows services
and possible exploits. That's all there is to it. No hidden agenda.

-- Bob
IOW, you thought you could DISH OUT all the krap you wish. My not
being passive about letting you do that, you then insultingly label
"vicious." Go kick on a teddy bear, instead, if its passive your
little ego craves.

Karen, I must warn you that I have a strong attraction to angry, aggressive,
assertive women. If you keep that up I may lose control and kiss your whole
face. :-D

-- Bob
Bob Adkins said:
No, no I didn't.

Yes, you did. And no, your condescending insults are not "cutsie" as you
would fantasize.
I say SafeXP did no harm to my registry,

You have no idea what it did or did not do to your registy. You ran it
completely in the blind.
and you say it hosed yours.

I logged the action it took on the registry.
I'll take your word for it

I'd posted onsite factual registry loggings. Same as anyone else can run.
How obnoxious to say, "You'll take my word for it."
if you'll take my word for it.

That your computer did not fall down? Yes, I took your word for that. It
was all you had knowledge about, and I never thought you would lie about
that, that your computer did not fall down.
You seem to be implying here that I am trying to push Windows XP

Yes, you have a history that way. I'm not going to dig up your old threads.
Not that one with your fat American snobbery etc, nor your silly little
chimes in between. This thread itself you have shown already how fixated
you are on your bizarre little XP pride.
Again, I rate SafeXP a 7/10, which is far from being a flattering rating.

Rate it 1/10 or 10/10, Bob. No difference. You have proved you have no
ability whatsoever to assess programs that interact with the registry.

As I said, if you want to recommend some other type of software, then,
in that, you still have credibility, and what you have to say could have
some merit.
I do not like or dislike SafeXP. I do find it somewhat useful.

You would.
You would.

Karen, you have proven that you have no intentions of communicating or
getting along. You're in a snit, and all you want to do is flame. When
someone is in hate mode, I could say the sky is blue and you would go out
of your way to find a way to disagree. Right now you're acting just plain
MEAN. You need to read your posts aloud so you can hear how mean you sound.

I also did not appreciate the jab at Americans. It was just plain rude and
mean. I can not do anything about who my parents were.

-- Bob
omega said:
ms <[email protected]>:

[Snipping, but want to say how much I appreciate your comments in this,
and your other post, Mike.]
You're very welcome.
I will work on this starting processing delay issue and post back.

It's the easiest first step to look over if there are orphan refs in startup
which Windows might be trying to look up. Which startup manager(s) do you
Well, I have (as you probably do) about 4 or 5, if you call them Process
Explorers, maybe 15. I usually start with Startup Control Panel (Mike Lin). But to
show you a list, I ran ProcView. I am online, in Thunderbird:
MMTASK 4294851827 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\mmtask.tsk

Unless you surprise me, this should be a pretty basic, simple set of programs. Do
you see something unusual (W98SE)? Task Manager usually shows about 5-7 programs.

To my uneducated eye, all my process utilities usually show just the same, normal
stuff. Do you have a util. that typically shows more (and can save a list)?


Mike Sa
Bob Adkins said:
Karen, you have proven that you have no intentions of communicating or

I always seek to communicate. Unfortunately, you have proved the most
ridiculously dull-witted poster to whom I have needed to repeat (over
and over!) such a small set of clear points. It gets nowhere with you,
since one of the central roadblocks is what you have made quite clear:
that you never really cared about the subject. The subject where you
never had the least information, nor the least understanding to enter

The only thing you've cared about, not the subject, not really any
software, but instead: it been your pathetic little ego. It has been
trying to find some possible way to prune in front of the mirror when
you slop back the grease, saying, "Bob Adkins gives this his 7/10 rating."

Your pathetic "ratings" is why you've got obsessed, and gone on your
75-post flame mission to "put the little lady in her place." By what
end have you aspired towards that? By sputtering your ignorant &
mindless idiocies, without foundations. And each time caught out with
how wrong your ignorant little statements are, you ignore the points
in the post, and replace it out with all your insults. As you have
done again, in this post, to which I reply.
getting along.

Passively accepting your bullshit?
You're in a snit, and all you want to do is flame.

Because of your inability to care about or understand the original
subject, the only thing you have been able to do is personally attack.
When someone is in hate mode,

Hate mode? You're disclosing your emotion here, Bob?
I could say the sky is blue and you would go out of your way to
find a way to disagree.

You didn't say the sky is blue. You have steadfastly been empty of any
reasonable or valid statements in this thread. Each time you are proved
wrong, you snip out the whole post, and replace it with your personal

Just as here. Where you removed my pointing out the difference between
logging and not logging -- and you try to fling out label of "Hate mode."
You repeatedly resort to the lowest, basest types of attacks, Bob. What
is most fascinating is how you are utterly unable to control yourself.
ms said:
Well, I have (as you probably do) about 4 or 5, if you call them Process
Explorers, maybe 15. I usually start with Startup Control Panel (Mike Lin). But to
show you a list, I ran ProcView.
The Bob Adkins flame garbage has systematically destroyed the readability
of this thread. I've moved your earlier messages into a separate folder,
to at least help being able to read what I need to. And at this junction,
I have started a separate thread (which hopefully Adkins won't enter in and
mess up).

So hopefully we can pick up here:

Subject: re: slow startup
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 15:17:02 -0800
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
I always seek to communicate.

OK Karen, here is your "communication". YOUR OWN QUOTES!
It is totally dim
You might be a fly, Bob
But then, what the heck, the way he has been brainlessly buzzing over the
shit & and the extent to which he's become so non-stop irritating,
shows you as a foolish, loud blowhard
Stick with editors, or graphics programs, or something else, Bob.
Or, go back to your endless arguments with Aaron, where you rail on about
what a safe browser you consider Internet Explorer to be.
Because you sit there like a dumb pile of mud, unable to process any of the
your non-stop stream of completely idiotic statements?
IOW, you thought you could DISH OUT all the krap you wish
Go kick on a teddy bear, instead, if its passive your
little ego craves.
WTF? How extremely clueless can you get!
Not one of these does a thing close to mindlessly dumping out precompiled
How long are you going to draw out this nonstop display of your ignorance,
You have very clearly resolved to litter out your insults and idiocies
without cessation.
Not that one with your fat American snobbery etc, nor your silly little
chimes in between. This thread itself you have shown already how fixated
you are on your bizarre little XP pride.
and made your idiotic comment
How obnoxious to say, "You'll take my word for it."
Your pathetic "ratings" is why you've got obsessed
Passively accepting your bullshit?

I rest my case. You are incriminated by your own words.

I would not call the above normal communication. I would call that common
flaming and cheap, foul-mouthed personal attacks.

I did more than my part to restrain the personal attacks. You are the one
that made the bulk of the offensive posts, including taking a shot at my
nationality. Is that normal communication?

It's YOU that has an ax to grind Karen. You are very sensitive about your
utility evaluation prowess, registry skills, or Windows98 all for which I
have shown respect. As for your filthy language and complete lack civility,
I don't quite know what to say. You tell me.

-- Bob
Bob Adkins said:
OK Karen, here is your "communication". YOUR OWN QUOTES!

As I said, Bob, I chose not to accept your hurl of insults passively.

You dish it out, and you get it back.

My points about your being dim tend to come each time you insist on being
exasperating by making idiotic statements. It is you who have taken up a
spew of posts where you do not bother to leave even a remnant of original
subject, and post 100% personal attacks standalone.

You never understood nor cared about the original subject.

Instead you hurled off at me, and do not let off, with your endless
flaming. You go on and on. You do not stop. That has been the single
entertainment factor for me here, to witness how you are so helpless,
so utterly unable to control yourself. That's one of the reasons I
have brought up your history with Aaron. One has long witnessed your
same ill weakness in that endless saga, there, too.
OK Karen, here is your "communication". YOUR OWN QUOTES!
<snip drivel>

FWIW Bob, you seem to have an uncanny knack of picking and choosing your
quoting to suit your own opinions.
I rest my case.
-- Bob

You really should REST right up, (in my eyes) you have made a real fool
of yourself in this thread. I can see that you won't back down on your
'opinions', and you are entitled to them, but I would rather believe
researched facts as presented by Karen.

PS ..... thanks for the entertainment both of you, but surely enough is
You really should REST right up, (in my eyes) you have made a real fool
of yourself in this thread. I can see that you won't back down on your
'opinions', and you are entitled to them, but I would rather believe
researched facts as presented by Karen.

You need to read more carefully Doc. I agreed with nearly everything Karen

The only thing we disagreed on was whether the gratuitous registry entries
were in fact harmful to everyone. All I said was the registry entries were
not harmful to me, and Karen went ballistic.
PS ..... thanks for the entertainment both of you, but surely enough is

I certainly agree with that! ;)

-- Bob