empty folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ninou
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Ninou said:
Do you know a freeware that can find and delete empty folders ?

Hi Ninou, a few to investigate. Heed the warning about Shortcutter (do
NOT use with XP/2000 (NTFS)) - IIRC it's said to do horrible things if
you don't.

Program: RmEmpty
Author: Douglas Good
Install: CLI
Ware: Freeware

DL link is broken - direct download here:

Program: Shortcutter (v 2.0)
Author: Goldenfrog
Ware: v 2.0 (last available) v 2.15 (last?) Freeware (do NOT use with
XP/2000 (NTFS))

Program: Start Menu Cleaner
Author: Mithril Software
Ware: (Freeware)
Hi Ninou, a few to investigate. Heed the warning about Shortcutter (do
NOT use with XP/2000 (NTFS)) - IIRC it's said to do horrible things if
you don't.

Program: RmEmpty
Author: Douglas Good
Install: CLI
Ware: Freeware

DL link is broken - direct download here:

Program: Shortcutter (v 2.0)
Author: Goldenfrog
Ware: v 2.0 (last available) v 2.15 (last?) Freeware (do NOT use with
XP/2000 (NTFS))

Program: Start Menu Cleaner
Author: Mithril Software
Ware: (Freeware)
thanks for the warning and for the propositions...
jo said:
Ninou wrote:

Disk Space Chart is very nice.

Slightly naggy; very very slightly crippled.

Right click integration. 189kb D/L


*Someone* said it doesn't *delete* empty folders. . . ;)

Subject: DiskSpaceChart - allows you to quickly and easily work out disk
space utilisation.
From: jo <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 01:08:58 +0100
Newsgroups: alt.comp.freeware


This is really nice. I usually use the last freeware build of diskdata
to analyse drive info but this app looks to be lovely.

I found it while looking for an app to locate empty folders. This app
will find empty folders - unfortunately you can't delete them in the
app, but you can get all sorts of info as to what folder is using the
most space.


Ninou said:
Do you know a freeware that can find and delete empty folders ?

If you don't need to look and review them first, and instead want
to have it done straight from batch command, then XXCopy will do
it. I needed that for a project recently, and it worked very well.


xxcopy \yourdir\ /S /H/R /RSY /X*
:: /S include Subdirectories
:: /H/R include Hidden & Read-only
:: /RSY Remove Source Yes
:: /X* eXclude all files

I'm appending below the ref document from which I'd got the command,
an archived post by XXCopy's author. It also includes the trick to
make a skeleton tree copy from a source target.


: Reply-To: "KanYabumoto" <[email protected]>
: References: <[email protected]>
: Subject: Re: How to Delete Empty Directories
: Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 23:57:08 -0500
: Keywords: XXCOPY , DELTREE, deleting empty directories
: Organization: Pixelab, Inc.
: Message-ID: <u753Z3Q2AHA.369@cpmsnbbsa09>
: Newsgroups: alt.comp.freeware
: Spoon, this may not be obvious even for experienced XXCOPY users.
: Let me suggest a couple of useful trick as the author of XXCOPY.
: As our FAQ page says, if you are looking for a file-management feature
: in XXCOPY, there is a very good chance you will find a way to do it.
: Here's how to remove all empty directories in a directory using XXCOPY.
: XXCOPY \yourdir\ /RSY /H /R /S /X*
: Explanation:
: /RSY remove source directory (in this case \yourdir\)
: /S including subdirectories
: /X* exclude all files (* == same as *.* in Win32)
: This technique takes advantage of the exclusion feature which
: does not delete any existing file in the directory. Since
: a subdirectory with a file (or subdirectory) won't be deleted,
: the only subdirectories that are deleted are empty ones.
: To make this command work better, you may want to add
: the following switches
: /H include hidden directories
: /R handle read-only directories
: /PD0 suppress prompt on directory
: /Q2 quiet (no display on skipped files)
: --------------------------------------
: Incidentally, the following XXCOPY command line will do the opposite
: (delete all files and leave directory skeleton behind)
: XXCOPY \yourdir\ /RSY /S /ED /PD0
: here,
: /ED preserve an empty directory
: Again, you may add /H /R /Q2 to make it more bullet-proof.
: Kan Yabumoto
: (e-mail address removed)
: =====================================================================
: : > What utility do you recommend for getting rid of empty directories and
: > broken .LNK files that point to non-existent files?
: >
: > Some of them insist on looking through the entire volume (FDLINKS). Others
: > are limited to just the Start Menu (Start Menu Cleaner). Shortcutter, for
: > some reason, finds the empty directories but when I highlight the ones I
: > want to delete, and then click Delete, they don't get deleted!
: >
: > I'd like a utility that would let me specify a limited directory tree to
: > be searched for empty folders/dead links, and that gives me the option
: > whether or not to delete them.
: >
: > Thanks in advance.
: >
: > --
: > jim
Susan Bugher said:
Heed the warning about Shortcutter (do NOT use with XP/2000
(NTFS)) - IIRC it's said to do horrible things if you don't.

Program: Shortcutter (v 2.0)
Author: Goldenfrog
Ware: v 2.0 (last available) v 2.15 (last?) Freeware (do NOT use with
XP/2000 (NTFS))

Shortcutter works well for me on my (w98) FAT32 partitions. However,
I had a problem recently. My target was a directory on my 80gb removable
drive. It will only let you specify drive letter, and not specific path.
Things crashed during its scan. Including a GPF in user.exe or something
like that. Probably the size of the target was just too big (60gb data).

So: if the target drives are FAT32, -and- if they are not too big (my
local partitions are all less than 8gb, and it's fine on them, and fast),
then Shortcutter is an option.

Its advantage over a commandline utility, or automatic cleaners, it's
that you can opt to manually review, and even sort results in different
ways, letting you choose deletes on a particular basis.


(The manual review, it's a feature I require for my D drive, as most of
my empty directories are there because of a template structure that I
use for installed programs, and usually I do not want those emp folders
It also includes the trick to make a skeleton tree copy from
a source target.

I misrepresented that. The mentioned command doesn't make a copy,
and instead operates directly on source (deleting files). That's
a different subject from this thread, but figure I needed to append
this extra to not leave the misleading statement like that.
omega said:

In Firefox, when I click on the above link, a IE download screen automatically
opens (I have IE 5.01 on my HD), no destination folder options, it goes to a
"Temp" folder. When ever this happens, i can't find it in Windows\Temp or any
likely Windows IE folders. I don't use IE because of things like this.

What is it in the web page that automatically selects the browser?

And how to find the file in the Windows directory?


Mike Sa
Rod said:
Is Setbrowser 1.4 an install version ?
Version 1.3 is standalone, and worked setting K-Meleon is my default
browser where version 1.4 failed.
Available here (20k):

Thanks to all. I already use Setbrowser 1.3, FF is normal default.

This is a rare problem, only certain weblinks.

Every day is different, I just went to my start menu to search for srtcut.zip,
and Windows "Find" is no longer in the menu!
What fun. I think this is a SafeXP issue.

Mike Sa
Rod said:
Speaking of installers, IIRC you're a Gadwin Printscreen user to.
For a non-install equivalent you might be interested in Hoversnap:


Although I like that it is clean and green, Hoversnap's feature set
doesn't hold much interest for my uses. It might for others, who want
something that does timed caps to set folder, and that has an FTP

Earlier, I misread your post, as "HandySnap." That's one that I do
find more interesting. Tor the annotation tools it provides at the
time of taking the clip. These are the visual notes I'd had about
it from when I'd first checked it out:


.. . . .
By the way, to put together an html page for the screenshots, I used
"ADWARE." :)

Just like the (ridiculously attacked) Directory Lister, and so many
others, Irfanview inserts a link to its homepage when doing HTML
Karen, you understand the problem- in my other post, today my Find function is
missing in the Start menu. Before I go to a Windows newsgroup, maybe I can ask you.

Yesterday, I ran SafeXP ver. 141020, the last one that runs OK on my W98SE. It has
settings to remove functions from the Start menu, I selected items to delete that
already didn't appear (bad move). Afterword, everything appeared OK. Today, when I
booted up, no Find function. I figure a SafeXP malfunction must have caused it,
never happened before.

On my HD, after 7 years operation, it is no longer safe for me to run "settings"
type utilities. I just checked Tweakui, and several setting had been changed by
something, maybe SafeXP.

I went on Google, found MS article that the Find key may be corrupted. I checked,
that key is correct. Next I went to scanreg/restore, I can today go back to the
registry where Find is back, numlock is off, but the password nuisance is back. I
only see 4 registrys total, will try your tip later.

Before I go to windows ng, any comments?

Realize it's thanksgiving, have a good one. Maybe afterwards.


Mike Sa
ms said:
Yesterday, I ran SafeXP ver. 141020, the last one that runs OK on my W98SE. It has
settings to remove functions from the Start menu, I selected items to delete that
already didn't appear (bad move). Afterword, everything appeared OK. Today, when I
booted up, no Find function. I figure a SafeXP malfunction must have caused it,
never happened before.

On my HD, after 7 years operation, it is no longer safe for me to run "settings"
type utilities. I just checked Tweakui, and several setting had been changed by
something, maybe SafeXP.

I'm not familiar with a program named SafeXP. If you want to use a system
tweaker, I recommend Xteq's X-Setup. It has restore functionality, and
features relating to providing detail of what tweak will do. You'd still
do best to pay attention when using that one. I mean, it might be a good
idea to write yourself a note, each time you use it to effect any changes.
I went on Google, found MS article that the Find key may be corrupted. I checked,
that key is correct.

It sounds like this "SafeXP" program has no undo/revert function?
Next I went to scanreg/restore, I can today go back to the
registry where Find is back, numlock is off, but the password nuisance is back.

There are many docs on dealing with widespread problem with w9x login
password. One of the commonly suggested steps, going from memory, it's
to delete your *.pwl file from the windir. You might want to Google for
a fuller outline of the steps that would be appropriate.