
what is the answer

Rush said:
By Chris

Then if sentences fit the crime , some kind of worthwhile justice will be done National Service ...
National Service is not an answer, you train a man or women to be fit, use a variety of weapons, you expect controlled aggression & to risk there lives in some real hot spots. Then 2 years later they are back on the streets, but now they know how to handle weapons, explosives & probably have PTSD from seeing some of the more gruesome things we expect young soldiers to go through.
Not sure about national service but...........boot camp is the way to go. Just look at that program Bad Lads. Yes alright they were adults but it could be an option, and most by the end, saw the error of there ways. And gained some respect back which they didn't have before they were in there.
They would soon knuckle down and start to work and probably be successful in what ever they do.
By Murdoch

Post Traumatic stress Disorder !!, lets not send them to Iraq ..lets instil some discipline inside them for once in their lives ... and if they come out wary and Bleary then lock the idiots up and away from society ...lets not pussy foot about..lets dish out some education and discipline guys ??
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Send them off to the Utah dessert and not allow them to smoke, swear, be aggressive or do drugs.

That is guaranteed to sort them out
By Chris
Send them off to the Utah dessert and not allow them to smoke, swear, be aggressive or do drugs.

Have seen that on TV , nevermind Utah , US , send them to Aviemore ,scotland in T-Shirts and then discipline them ??

Good point though Chris...Just take away their fags ...that would hurt them more, because then they would be fighting the enemy within...a craving..just like aggresion is a craving.
mudfrog said:
Not sure about national service but...........boot camp is the way to go.

i think your exactly right.
When i first joined my school, you had to respect the elder ones. its just one of those things you had to do, but now that im a bit older the younger ones dont have any respect for anyone apart from themselves. I also pity teachers, we (as in the disruptive ones of our classes) have already driven 2 teachers to early retirement. it sickens me how teachers are treated by some of these pupils...but on the other hand, when I do classwork with some of them and hear about their lives at home, and what they have to deal with..for example drugs.
however the area that my school's in is very rough so this is a bit of a biast view :D.
Boot Camp...National service...

just a variation on a theme...should have same result though ?
Well what you see on tv is a very small minority, you wont find kids that bad in most schools. so in the end boot camp would probably end up working for the minority of bad kids.
By Michael 118
Well what you see on tv is a very small minority, you wont find kids that bad in most schools. so in the end boot camp would probably end up working for the minority of bad kids.

I disagree , That small minority on TV is a bigger figure outside of TV...Otherwise people like us would not watch it because it would not be relevaent to our everyday lives and concerns..TV is for the masses not the minority.
I came home from school one day and complained to my Dad that the teacher had caned me and it hurt.

He promptly gave me a slap and said I deserved it

Lemme see, I got caned regularly (and I had to say 'Thank you Sir' afterwards); got the slipper, the ruler, the bare hand but the worst one was that Gym teacher, Mr Lyon, who whacked us with the leather end of the Gym climbing rope.

Kids are not like adults, they won't see reason. They see a chink in a teacher's armour, they'll exploit it. Sad to say, kids will only do well, imo, when well disciplined and in fear of getting the cane or something similar.

But, having said that, listen to you lot, you sound like a load of old farts gathered around in the Snug bar on a Thursday evening, slowly sipping pints of warm bitter and sounding off about the good old days and life in general :D

So how come loaddsa kids actually make it then eh?

You lot - SHUT UP! you moany gits and get a life :p

(I am, of course, merely jesting here, don't take me too seriously, Ok? ;) )
So how far can a parent go?

I have seen children hit the parent/s Hmm…
so how can parents cope with the unruly child/children.:eek:

Now that is the point.

I have two daughters and one son, when they where young a simple staring look off me was enough?:p I smacked my two daughters’ once, my son twice, they all now agree I did the correct thing:thumb: , not one of my children ever brought trouble/law or other to my household:thumb: , today children threaten the parents with the law [you cant hit me the law say’s so] why? As I say put the do-gooders in charge of unruly children and see what happens. Now I would love to see the end result.

While on a bus the other day it was quite full when I got on I had the last vacant seat, at the next stop two rather elderly ladies got on, most of the seats were occupied by children, would any give their seat to the elderly? No way…. I did though…. Now do you call that respect by the youngsters?:rolleyes:

Now hypothetically speaking what if 2/3rds of the teachers in the UK did call it a day? Education> Education Oh I get it the do-gooders will take over as teachers Ha. Ha. Ha…:lol:

Ok! moaning over >>>I’m all-right Jack. :)