You may think me stupid enough not to catch the gist of your implied
insults, even when I am working at 4 AM and stealing valuable sleep time
to respond to you, but you'd be wrong.
There was really no reason to do so, but that was your choice. As for
insulting you, that was not my intention. You made the big deal on the
wordsmithing - all I did was to point out that you are quite good at it
yourself. As a rule I don't insult strangers.
You gave a url, you did not indicate anyone should only read
certain sentences of it.
I referenced a section and not 'certain sentences' - when it comes to
wordsmithing you really are a champ.
The url I gave linked directly to the section titled ' Dye vs Pigment'. This
section is in the middle of the entire article. I would have linked to the
begining of the article if that was what I was referencing - but it wasn't.
The subject of my post was entitled 'Dye vs Pigment' the same as the
section. I assumed it to be clear enough but as you point out that it was
not clear enough for you, I will try to be more clear in the future
The whole article uses the same technique
throughout. The Lyson article plays games I am not interested in
Oh but you are. On a number of occasions you mention that Lyson and Iris had
failed inksets. What has that to do with the thread? Wait could it be that
Lyson wrote the article, but have had failures in the past so they can't be
any good and the article must be wrong. As I pointed out to you Epson have
also had failed inksets, but I don't try to infer that because of this they
must be poor.
and I'm even less interested in continuing wasting my time with
playing them with you, so this will be my late exchange with you about
Shame - I was just getting into it - never mind.
Anyone who has a bit of wordsmithing ability can make a bold and
outrageous statement and then qualify it in the next dozen sentences to
a mere shadow of the original intent, in the hopes most people will not
read carefully enough to recognize the technique.
Yep - you've shown this.
The Lyson article starts each section with a statement and then uses a
bunch of contradictory statements to "qualify" the original to the point
where it has little to no import at all.
I have just written a small piece using the same technique:
Everyone who lives in Florida knows you had better be prepared because
it snows like heck there! Citrus crops freeze, ponds freeze over, water
pipes can burst, and the roads become slick and dangerous, especially
with their elderly population who have a hard time driving during better
weather. You'd wish more people used snow tires and chains on those days.
The median temperature in Florida is around 65 degrees F year round, and
they can have days, sometimes even occasionally weeks, where it goes
over 100. But those are not very common except during the peak of
summer. It's winter when those snow and ice days show up and do their
damage, so watch out!
Sounds like a nice place - a bit cold though

I didn't check the median temperature in Florida, because I don't have
the time, so it might be slightly off.
You mean you posted to a news group without checking your facts. Thats how
mis-information starts.
Lastly, you may have provided the link to the article in question in
regard to the dye versus pigment debate, but the article doesn't
honestly answer that debate either, because it is craftily biased, and
is misleading, and as such it required additional qualifiers, some of
which I have provided.
In your opinion. and no you have not.
You brought up the article, not me. I've put
more time into discussing it than you have.
You may have put more time into it but partly that was due to you commenting
on sections not referenced by me.
You have slated the article and it's author but provided nothing to back
this up.
All you did was to make comments like;
I remember they had failed inksets - so what - it proves nothing, Epson has
had them.
Artists being disapointed with the fade resistance of Iris prints with their
older ink - I referred to Wilhelm stating that early Iris ink was never
inended for photos or fine art.
I provided a link to a pdf from WIR that showed Lyson and Iris to have good
fade resistance, with one set getting 120 years. Your only come back on this
was that the 120 rating was for 'Black only' I was not aware of this and
asked if you could tell me your source for the 'Black only' - I'm still
waiting. I'm not saying your wrong but I'd like to read it.
Selective quoting is
meaningless in an article written in the manner that one has been. It
is the analysis of the information which makes or breaks it. It's broken.
So is slating an article with nothing but 'I knew someone who' or 'I
remeber when'
My only intention with this thread was to point out that dye ink can be used
for 'keepers' and that to state otherwise without qaulifying it was to
spread mis-information
If you read back your posts in this thread and cut away all your
wordsmithing you will see that you agree.