DVD Write Software

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Harry Ohrn said:
Oh now see that he made reference to drag to disk and using a backup program
in another post in the thread. It's hard to keep replies sorted when people
don't include original text in their replies.

Don't blame the OP, he included that info as a reply to a help post, and you only chimed in on a's reply without reading the thread, so the fault is your for not reading through.
Don't blame the OP, he included that info as a reply to a help post, and
you only chimed in on a's reply without reading the >thread, so the fault
is your for not reading through.

Any your claim to fame for "chiming in" now Tom is what?
Harry Ohrn said:
Any your claim to fame for "chiming in" now Tom is what?

Pointing out that you are at fault for not reading the entire thread. If you're not going to do so, while then blaming the person you replied to for not quoting the OP, then that is your onus, as "a" only replied to you about firestreamer. You sure made the effort to call down "a" for being wrong without seeing what he replied to, as evident that you got a major wedgy for not owning up to your standards.

It is so easy to assume that he didn't know what he was suggesting because you were too lazy to see the beginning of the entire thread. By the way, you can use punctuation, if you get over your wedgy, as to make you question to me clearer!
Harry Ohrn said:
Pointing out that you are at fault for not reading the entire thread. If
you're not going to do so, while then blaming the person you >replied to
for not quoting the OP, then that is your onus, as "a" only replied to you
about firestreamer. You sure made the effort >to call down "a" for being
wrong without seeing what he replied to, as evident that you got a major
wedgy for not owning up to your standards.
It is so easy to assume that he didn't know what he was suggesting because
you were too lazy to see the beginning of the entire >thread. By the way,
you can use punctuation, if you get over your wedgy, as to make you
question to me clearer!

Tom could you expand on this please?
Harry Ohrn said:
Tom could you expand on this please?

I made my point, read threads if you're going to tell someone they are (possibly) giving misleading advice, when they were not responding to you, while you chime in on the help (as given by "a"), telling him/her "Please tell us how you use Firestreamer as mastering software".
I made my point, read threads if you're going to tell someone they are
(possibly) giving misleading advice, when they were not >responding to you,
while you chime in on the help (as given by "a"), telling him/her "Please
tell us how you use Firestreamer as >mastering software".

Tom could you elaborate so I understand your position clearly?
Hmm, something else to check. If you don't have the diagnostic tools that
ship with most hard drives, do not use chkdsk for this, go to your hard
drive manufacturer's website and download their diagnostic tools, making
note of their instructions for creating their diagnostic boot disk and run
their diagnostic.

The problem may not be bad media but a problem with the hard drive. Even
though you are writing to DVD the hard drive is being used as well and if
the drive is failing or there are bad sectors, this could be the source of
the issue and might also cause a problem writing data to the media as well.
I think that I got it fixed Mike -- after trying a bunch of stuff. It
appears that downloading new firmware for the DVD drive may have fixed
the problem. Unfortunately at the same time I did that I also opened up
additional hard drive space (from 5G to 7G free) and ran defrag even
though XP said it wasn't needed.

Some one of those things seemed to have made it work for the moment
anyhow -- even using the DVD that previously failed. We'll see how it
holds up.

Thanks for your help.

Harry Ohrn said:
- Show quoted text -
Tom could you elaborate so I understand your position clearly?

C'mon guys, there's no problem here, really. Harry was polite enough to
answer with "Oh now see that he made reference...".

Harry Ohrn said:
Oh now see that he made reference to drag to disk and using a backup program
in another post in the thread. It's hard to keep replies sorted when
people don't include original text in their replies.

I agree. I do usually include original text in my replies when I use
Outlook. The problem is that groups-beta.google.com doesn't do this
automatically. At least, it didn't insert the text when I clicked Reply
then Post.
