DVD/CD Drive Not Working

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I too send much love!!! worked like a charm. I already ordered a new dvd
drive, but that is ok. I am up and running without it. I tried the other
fixes listed above and couldnt find the upperFilters in my currentcontrolset.
This was soo much easier. Cindy, you must teach 2nd grade, because even I
understood your directions. thanks again.

Iskabible said:
Thank you Daniel and Cindy. You saved my life. I have spent hours on this and
the other reg fixes didn't do a thing. This one did. Also, Cindy, your step
by step was perfection. You get an A+

Cindy said:
This ABSOLUTELY works!!!!! Thank you Daniel.

I bought my Gateway laptop with Vista 4 days ago. Everything worked fine
until I tried to install my FREE lexmark printer that came with it but that
is another story. I am a computer dummy which is why some of the links to
fix the problem with the DVD (code 39 for me) scared me. But the fix below
works like a charm and takes all of about 2 minutes. I did create a restore
point (backed up my files) before I started but only because I didn't know
what I was doing...and please don't laugh at my simple instructions below,
I'm sure there are easier ways, but remember..I speak for the dummies.

Specific instructions:
Copy all instructions including the "title" Regedit4
Go to Programs on your start menu
"paste" this info in
Save As cdgone.reg
Close notebook
Start Menu
Window Exploxer
Double click on this newly created file
Two seconds later it will say your registery has been updated (or something
like that)
Reboot That is it!

Good luck - and FYI apparently this works for XP too.

Daniel Lapointe said:
I have a registry patch that fixes this issue easily, it's called "cdgone"
it was originally made for XP, but works flawlessly on Vista as well, you
just double click the cdgone.reg file to import it to the registry, reboot,
voila! all fixed. Search google, and if you can't find it, just email me at
(e-mail address removed) and I'll send it to you.


I know the fix says it is for XP and Beta Vista. But it did fix the CD/DVD
problem on my Vista Ultimate system. As I recall, deleting the high and
low filters in the registry is what corrects the problem.


When I was young and adventurous, I wanted to join a violent,
armed group with no regard for the law, but the IRS wasn't hiring.

Nope did not fix the issue as I have already done this and that fix is
for XP
not Vista.


This solution fixed the same problem for me you are having.

When I was young and adventurous, I wanted to join a violent,
armed group with no regard for the law, but the IRS wasn't hiring.

message The same thing happend to me todays as well... This morning my D:
disappeared. Went to Device Manager and there was a
yellow exclamation mark. The message was "Windows cannot initialize
device driver [code 37]." Followed troubleshooting advice:
uninstalled/reinstalled. The problem still exists. Went to MS for a KB
was told that MS was aware of the problem but there was no KB at
suggestions? Thanks.

Mr M Adamjee
3 days ago the icons for my dvd/cd drives dissapeared i haven't been able to
play anyform of cd or dvd, so i checked for any errors and i found this

"Windows cannot initialize the device driver for this hardware. (Code 37)

Click 'Check for solutions' to send data about this device to Microsoft and
to see if there is a solution available."

PLEASE HELP !!!, i may know alot about computers but i don't know how to
solve this problem

if anyone has solved this problem before please let me know asap

by the way i'm using windows vista
I had this happen to me once, and here's how I fixed it...

RE: Code 37
removing the upper and lower filters

Run REGEDIT, open up the following folders:
Class {4D36E965-E325 -11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

After clicking on {4D36E965-E325 -11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} you should see two
settings on the right-hand side:

Click on each of them, press DELETE and click YES.
i'm trying what you just told mebut before i delete anything i need to ask
you something.
this are the files that showed up that you were talking about

1st file Name:lowerFilters Type: REG_MULTI_SZ Data: pfc PxHelp20
2nd file Name: LowerFilters.Bak Type:REG_MULTI_SZ Data: PxHelp20
3rd file Name UpperFilters Type: REG_MULTI_SZ Data: Cdralw2k pwd_2k

so my question is do i delete all of these