

Doug W.

Terry R. said:
On 7/6/2007 10:43 AM On a whim, Doug W. pounded out on the

Fine for YOU Doug. I explained my reasons why "I" think it's
okay. For messy unorganized people, I would suggest

Those many reasons are really only one: because YOU think it
should be that way.
Yes, because I think it should be that way. Good enough reason
for me and thousands of others too. I have seen what my brother
has done at times and shudder every time I go over there to
organize his messy machine.

Good for you Uncle Grumpy...your system should work quite well.
Different strokes for different folks, as long as we don't have
to search the universe over to find our downloaded files.
Doug W.

Terry R.

On 7/6/2007 7:48 PM On a whim, Doug W. pounded out on the keyboard
Yes, because I think it should be that way. Good enough reason
for me and thousands of others too. I have seen what my brother
has done at times and shudder every time I go over there to
organize his messy machine.

Good for you Uncle Grumpy...your system should work quite well.
Different strokes for different folks, as long as we don't have
to search the universe over to find our downloaded files.
Doug W.

I'm glad that's good enough reason for you. My reason was good enough
for me. Am I going to press it on everyone else? No. You shouldn't
either. Whether a person is a "neat-nik" or a slob, they do what they
want. I don't have a problem downloading to my Desktop and I don't have
any downloads there currently, because I download, install, delete.

Whether you have proof of "thousands of others", I doubt it. Your
brother is hardly considered "thousands". The plain fact is, there's
nothing wrong with downloading to your Desktop. What you do with it
AFTER it's there CAN be an organizational problem.

Terry R.

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