


I just spent over 2 hr. downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader 8. The download did
complete. I can't find it. I looked in the temporary folder but it is always
empty. I searched all files and folder. Didn't find it. Does any one know
where it could be? My temoprary folder is always empty and that's where it
should go, I think. Thank you. James

R. McCarty

Using IE as the browser all downloads first queue up through your
profile's TIF ( Temporary Internet Files ). Once completed the file
is then moved/copied to your destination ( by default Desktop ).
I'd take a look in the Temporary Internet Files folder in your profile
at Documents and Settings\'YourName'\Local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files

You may also have an issue with Explorer not showing 100% of
the content on your drive. XP hides or obscures certain file types
to avoid "Confusing" the average user. To see everything you need
to use folder Options, View (TAB), Hidden Files and Folders.
Make the following changes:
Change the Radio button to "Show Hidden Files and Folders"
Uncheck "Hide Extensions for known File Types"
Uncheck "Hide Protected Operating System Files"

Sometimes Adobe places it's downloads in it's own dedicated
folder within \Program Files\Common Files\Adobe tree.

I'd recommend you create a "Downloads" folder in the Root of the
XP drive and direct future downloads to that folder. Once set, future
downloads will automatically remember that location.

Terry R.

On 7/5/2007 5:06 PM On a whim, jamrs w. morgsn pounded out on the keyboard
I just spent over 2 hr. downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader 8. The download did
complete. I can't find it. I looked in the temporary folder but it is always
empty. I searched all files and folder. Didn't find it. Does any one know
where it could be? My temoprary folder is always empty and that's where it
should go, I think. Thank you. James

Pick another small file to download. Right click and use Save Target As
and note the location. Check the folder location in Explorer.

Terry R.

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Uncle Grumpy

Terry R. said:
Pick another small file to download. Right click and use Save Target As
and note the location. Check the folder location in Explorer.

excellent suggestion.


=?Utf-8?B?amFtcnMgdy4gbW9yZ3Nu?= said:
I just spent over 2 hr. downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader 8. The download did
complete. I can't find it. I looked in the temporary folder but it is always
empty. I searched all files and folder. Didn't find it. Does any one know
where it could be? My temoprary folder is always empty and that's where it
should go, I think. Thank you. James

Set your browser to download to a specific folder. I have one on my hard
drive called C:\A for all my downloads. Never download a file to your

Terry R.

Pick another small file to download. Right click and use Save Target As
and note the location. Check the folder location in Explorer.

excellent suggestion.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I surprise myself once in a while. ;-)

Terry R.

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Joe Grover

If the download did not complete, then whatever you find is likely unusable

Start the download again. If you didn't specify a location to download to
then it should come up with the same (default) download location.



Plato said:
Set your browser to download to a specific folder. I have one on my hard
drive called C:\A for all my downloads. Never download a file to your

Never heard of that one Plato? Why not download to the desktop?


Ken Blake, MVP

Never heard of that one Plato? Why not download to the desktop?

I'm with Plato here. Downloading to the desktop is a poor idea for two

1. It clutters up the desktop

2. It's bad organization, and mixes different types of files in one
place--shortcuts and installation files (or whatever kinds of files
you've downloaded).

I think the desktop should be reserved for shortcuts, so that, for
example, you always know that it's safe to delete anything there.
Mixing of file types on the desktop makes you more prone to errors.

Like Plato, I have a separate folder that I use to download to. Mine
is called \DL.

Terry R.

On 7/6/2007 8:58 AM On a whim, Ken Blake, MVP pounded out on the keyboard
I'm with Plato here. Downloading to the desktop is a poor idea for two

1. It clutters up the desktop

2. It's bad organization, and mixes different types of files in one
place--shortcuts and installation files (or whatever kinds of files
you've downloaded).

I think the desktop should be reserved for shortcuts, so that, for
example, you always know that it's safe to delete anything there.
Mixing of file types on the desktop makes you more prone to errors.

Like Plato, I have a separate folder that I use to download to. Mine
is called \DL.

Always personal choice. I like downloading to the Desktop because it's
right in front of me when I'm done downloading. Then if I get
sidetracked, I don't forget that I downloaded /something/. I install,
then delete it. Done. No mess. I used to save my downloads. But now
that broadband is more common, that isn't necessary. By the OP's
statement, he must be on dial-up if it took over 2 hours for AR8.

But I have some clients that I have to suggest a separate folder,
because *everything* has to be on their Desktop. Can't find a thing...

Terry R.

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Uncle Grumpy said:
Personal choice.

I'd hate to see your desktop ;->

My desktop is sorted and maintained no different than any other folder
structure. As Terry R. stated once I am done with the file, that I can
easily find on my desktop, I put it in a more appropriate folder within my
desktop. If I don't need it then I delete it. The desktop solution is
simpler as it is default and again easy to find if I get distracted as Terry
R. also mentioned.

I actually thought that I was going to learn something from my question but
that is what I thought he meant when I asked it. I actually have a picture
of my favorite basketball team (UC Bearcats) on my desktop and nothing else
and all files and folders are used in the desktop toolbar through a pull up
menu, which I keep very organized :)


Doug W.

I would NEVER download to the desktop. Very poor choice for many
Best policy...create a "My Download Files" on your root drive,
usually the C drive and download ALL files to it. I always have
a shortcut on my desktop pointing to this file for quick access
and to see what is there. Works for me and will work for
everyone else as well.
Doug W.

Terry R.

On 7/6/2007 10:43 AM On a whim, Doug W. pounded out on the keyboard
I would NEVER download to the desktop. Very poor choice for many
Best policy...create a "My Download Files" on your root drive,
usually the C drive and download ALL files to it. I always have
a shortcut on my desktop pointing to this file for quick access
and to see what is there. Works for me and will work for
everyone else as well.
Doug W.

Fine for YOU Doug. I explained my reasons why "I" think it's okay. For
messy unorganized people, I would suggest otherwise.

Those many reasons are really only one: because YOU think it should be
that way.

Terry R.

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Terry R.

On 7/6/2007 10:42 AM On a whim, George pounded out on the keyboard
My desktop is sorted and maintained no different than any other folder
structure. As Terry R. stated once I am done with the file, that I can
easily find on my desktop, I put it in a more appropriate folder within my
desktop. If I don't need it then I delete it. The desktop solution is
simpler as it is default and again easy to find if I get distracted as Terry
R. also mentioned.

I actually thought that I was going to learn something from my question but
that is what I thought he meant when I asked it. I actually have a picture
of my favorite basketball team (UC Bearcats) on my desktop and nothing else
and all files and folders are used in the desktop toolbar through a pull up
menu, which I keep very organized :)


No technical reason not to, just personal opinions, and everyone has one.

I could argue with Doug about his download folder being off the root
drive, since he doesn't know my XP partition is only 6 gig, and all my
data is on another partition and programs on yet another. But I won't,
since everyone does what they feel is best.

Terry R.

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Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.


Doug W. said:
I would NEVER download to the desktop. Very poor choice for many reasons.
Best policy...create a "My Download Files" on your root drive, usually the
C drive and download ALL files to it. I always have a shortcut on my
desktop pointing to this file for quick access and to see what is there.
Works for me and will work for everyone else as well.
Doug W.

Funny thing is, I asked this question to find out why not and have yet to
get a reasonable answer as to why not??

Again as Terry R. has stated very well, it is a personal choice and not a DO
NOT DO THIS OR ELSE type deal :)


P.S. I also have a My Download Files folder in my root directory and that
is where I want to share what I have downloaded with my home PC. Otherwise
it goes to my desktop again sorted and placed in the appropriate folder.

Ken Blake, MVP

On 7/6/2007 8:58 AM On a whim, Ken Blake, MVP pounded out on the keyboard

Always personal choice.

Absolutely. I explained why I think it's a poor idea, because George
asked. You are certainly entitled to a different viewpoint.

Uncle Grumpy

George said:
My desktop is sorted and maintained no different than any other folder

Mine has absolutely NO icons. And I'm about the most organized
computer user on this planet.

My most-used programs are on my Quick Launch bar. Others are on my
Start Menu.

I have shortcuts on my Quick Launch bar to My Documents, My Pictures,
and to several other folders I access frequently - INCLUDING
"downloads" and "My Computer".


Thanks to everyone. I'm not very computor saavy. The download
DID complete. It said it was going tothe Temporary Folder but it did not. I
searched my computor and could not find it anywhere. Thanks again for your
efforts. James

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