DOS file manager that runs from a floppy?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Al Smith
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John Corliss wrote in said:
Can you tell me if you need a dual boot system to run DRDOS 7 with
Millennium Edition?

Sorry - no, can't say... but I would guess yes (and would recommend it
for safety - use a bootmanager like XOSL)...I*m pretty sure someone in
comp.os.msdos.misc and/or alt.msdos knows though. Don't know much
about ME other than it is somewhat "crippled" when it comes to DOS.
About that see fx
Real DOS-Mode Patch for Windows Millennium
By Reines [MFD]
How to boot to DOS under Windows ME

....but don't know if the advice you can find there only applies to
MS-DOS...have not read all the info there...

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn said:
Can you tell me if you need a dual boot system to run DRDOS 7 with
Millennium Edition?

Sorry - no, can't say... but I would guess yes (and would recommend it
for safety - use a bootmanager like XOSL)...I*m pretty sure someone in
comp.os.msdos.misc and/or alt.msdos knows though. Don't know much
about ME other than it is somewhat "crippled" when it comes to DOS.
About that see fx
Real DOS-Mode Patch for Windows Millennium
By Reines [MFD]
How to boot to DOS under Windows ME

...but don't know if the advice you can find there only applies to
MS-DOS...have not read all the info there...

Thanks for replying Bjorn. Those are good links, but restoring
DOS-Mode to ME doesn't overcome the fact that it's impossible (as far
as I know) to install DOS drivers for the Creative Labs Audigy
soundcard, so any games you play that require those drivers will be
silent. Here's what somebody mentioned to overcome that problem:

I installed and tried this program and it works, although it's sorta
slow. I'm going to mess around and see if I can adjust settings to
make it faster though.

What caused me to enter into this thread is that I miss having
DOSSHELL. A replacement for it that would preserve long filenames
would be a very nice emergency tool.
Looks like DOS 7.1 won't work with anything higher than 98. Also, I'm
confused. Is this a Microsoft product?

Wasn't it the Caldera version of DOS (Disk Operating System)
in the same way as VMS was Digital's / Compaq's / HP's version ?

If you're really interested in "flavours", have a look here,
there's about 150 OS's to pick from ! Systems

-- The Despicable Stewart
-- Perfidious Alban
There is a DOS freeware program from the mid-90's called HD-COPY. I have it
loaded on a DOS 486 test machine. I use it to test floppy drives. It is
the most useful floppy program I saw. Supports different formats. Also has
a Clean option. When formatting diskettes it writes to the boot sector a
small program so that if you leave a diskette in the floppy drive and boot
the PC with A: drive as the boot drive, it tells you so. You can also save
the images. I don't know if it runs under WIN 9x in DOS box.

HD-COPY - Fast diskette copier and high capacity formatter.

From the docs...

"HD-COPY is the fastest copy-program I know (and I know many) --- there's
definitely no faster one. You can also use it to format disks at various
formats (from 720 Kb to 1.764 Mb in this version of HD-COPY), which is
faster than DOS' FORMAT and produces less errors.

The following DD formats are supported:
* 320 Kb, 360 Kb, 720 Kb; "special" DD formats: 400 Kb, 800 Kb, 820 Kb and

The following HD formats are supported:
* 5 1/4 inch drives: 1.2 Mb, 1.44 Mb, 1.48 Mb and similar
* 3 1/2 inch drives: 1.2 Mb, 1.44 Mb, 1.48 Mb, 1.72 Mb and similar

Note: To use non-standard disks (i.e. 5 1/4 disks with more than 1.2 Mb or 3
1/2 disks with more than 1.44 Mb) outside HD-COPY, you have to install a TSR
program like FDREAD (included), because the DOS/BIOS doesn't like disks with
an unusual number of sectors. HD-COPY itself doesn't need FDREAD, since it
has its own routines to handle special formats." Author: Oliver Fromme
(1995) Germany. Cardware.

download (English, 103K)
Josiah said:
Wasn't it the Caldera version of DOS (Disk Operating System)
in the same way as VMS was Digital's / Compaq's / HP's version ?

You're refering to Caldera's (no longer in business as far as I know,
unless going by a different name) OpenDOS. But at the link LegMan
provided it actually says "Microsoft MS-DOS 7.10". I'm pretty sure
that it's a warez site. No problem, I'll let Microsoft decide since
this group is for the discussion of true freeware, not software piracy.
there's about 150 OS's to pick from ! Systems

Nice link. Thanks!
John Fitzsimons <[email protected]> wrote:
Just as a matter of interest what "disk image program" s are
available ? Anyone got any recommendations please ?

From another post:
Dave wrote in <MPG.1aa9b047bb70f97298975b@localhost>:
There is DRDOS 7 which is a free 'new' DOS; it handles long filenames.It
works ok for me.

If you can wrangle long file names from a DOS boot, xxcopy should work
in copying partitions. Or perhaps SavePart as an image program? Or
Floppy Image?

Freeware image programs are tough to find.
John said:
You're refering to Caldera's (no longer in business as far as I know,
unless going by a different name) OpenDOS. But at the link LegMan
provided it actually says "Microsoft MS-DOS 7.10". I'm pretty sure that
it's a warez site. No problem, I'll let Microsoft decide since this
group is for the discussion of true freeware, not software piracy.

Actuall, I found this at the link you provide below:

"DR DOS (or DR-DOS) is an OS, a free-for-non-commercial-use version of
DOS; was once released as OpenDOS, but Caldera reverted to the
historical name. Caldera Systems, Inc. (now SCO, they acquired it and
subsequently reverted the company name to SCO) does no more own it."

However, the version of DOS that the site LegMan provided was MS-DOS.
On that special day, rcm, ([email protected]) said...
"HD-COPY is the fastest copy-program I know (and I know many) --- there's
definitely no faster one. You can also use it to format disks at various
formats (from 720 Kb to 1.764 Mb in this version of HD-COPY), which is
faster than DOS' FORMAT and produces less errors.

There was once a shareware program called VGA copy, create by Thomas
Moenkemeier. Meanwhile he has made it freeware, so that anybody can use
it, format and create images, and the like.

If you start the main program, you see only the German version, though.
You have to run the "english.exe", to see the international menu.

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)