ginfest said:
No... I parted with 400 dollars for the GeForce FX 5900 card. I'm not
going to fall for NVidia's crap a second time. Nothing sucks worse than to
have a brand new videocard become underpowered technology in only five
ATI is more honest with their products. They don't rewrite other peoples'
shaders so that they use lower precision. And they don't require two molex
power connectors or large fans.
Sure, Geforce is faster for ONE GAME. Wow. That's justification for
plopping down 500 dollars on a new videocard! For all we know, the ATI and
NVidia cards aren't even running on the same codepaths, don't have the same
visual quality, etc. (NVidia cards running with a 16-bit precision would of
course run faster than ATI's 24 bit precision). When the FX 5900 came out,
it was faster in Unreal Tournament 2003/2004- alot faster. But as history
showed, that really didn't matter because it ran like crap in games like
Deus Ex or Thief III. And Doom III may not be an important engine in the
future of gaming, you never now. Right now the Unreal engine is pulling in
alot of developers, and it runs on Direct 3D. OpenGL is pretty much dead in
PC gaming. Doom III doesn't do anything that you cannot do with the Unreal
engine, and it will no doubt cost more to license. So why would developers
use it?
The time has come for gamers to put away childish things and grow up a
little beyond these stupid pecker contests. You just cannot compare two
benchmarks now days without also comparing image quality. People should
also be considering power requirements, thermal and cooling requirements,
and so on. On all these accounts, the GeForce 6 loses.
If you go out and buy a GeForce FX 6800 just because it runs faster in
Doom III, you're a fool. End of line.