Windows 10 Done it.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
So I now have Windows 10 installed on main machine. Download of OS took exactly one hour and install took 40 minutes.

First impression is I don't like it but I will give it a coupla weeks and re-evaluate. I have backed up my complete Win 7 install in case I don't like it after a while.


a) The new MS browser is named Edge, I managed to import old IE Favourites though how they done that I'm not sure as IE is gone. Opera browser has disappeared. I have backed up Opera favourites but I don't think I can import them to Edge (or any other browser for that matter, we shall see).
b) I have student edition of MS Office 2007 installed and it opens documents but I can't work out where the hell to open it without opening a document.
c) Steam works, have played CoD4 briefly on line and Borderlands The Pre-Sequel, they play OK.
d) I lost Mailwasher. I haven't set up my email accounts in Windows 10 mail client yet.
e) I lost Cyberlink DVD Player
d) I lost Foobar media player
e) I can't find a link to Origin, the EA Games software.
f) I will be spending a lot of time with the various links V_R has posted here disabling all kinds of crap. It looks possible that one MS download may allow me to stop auto-update though I'm not sure. Probably unlikely considering MS's Big Brother stance.

And that's about all I've discovered so far, my install finished at 20:30 hours this evening.

To my mind this OS is not intuitive at all. How come on initial install of Linux Mint I found my way around in most cases instantly yet with this MS Win 10 I'm having a great deal of difficulty finding my way around?

And I've removed/uninstalled quite a few things already, including the link to their 'App store'.

Let's give it time.
"I like it"

I have not been as brave as FBS to install Win 10 on my main system ... I have a nice laptop that'll do the job. I am, however, finding my way around and I'm finding a lot of what I see I like. :eek:

Yes, on a desktop, as per norm with Microsoft OS, one has to "disable" a lot of mobile crap ... Windows 10 goes to far in what "information" it wants to collect AND sent it to Microsoft ... "to give you a better experience" ... :wave:

I have my Start button operating almost the same as Win7 ... unpin the 'apps' and shrink the panel ... I also found once you 'find' a program, notepad was a good example, it is listed in the start menu with the ability to open any file you may have opened previously, same as before. :)

problem programs
I cannot get Skype to work, even with a new (to me) Microsoft Account, which it fails to recognise.
my RAT DPI settings reset to default, despite my profile being loaded ... it's not the best mouse software anyway
I get no Windows startup/shutdown sounds ... occasionally it surprises me

what works with no problems
Google Chrome
BitDefender Free

I am very close to trying it out on my main system ... just give me a couple more months. :lol:
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Nice one Flops. :)

I've had it running on my main machine since day one and I like it, mostly. I don't like the way the settings and Ctrl Panel are fragmented, just makes it harder to find the setting your after imo.

Though don't forget you can right click the start button for the 'power user' menu too.

I have installed Start10 (Classic Shell is similar and free if your looking for a Win7 style start menu) - I don't care for the live tiles and the old style start menu is soooooo much faster to find what you want. (I can still get to the 10 start menu using either CTRL+win or the right win key if I want)

Other than that its been all good, everything works, its a bit faster. My only issue was the drivers for my sound card, because Creative software support is ****. Thankfully the modded DanielK drivers work just fine.

Oh I did have an issue at first, where it would keep reinstalling the onboard realtek drivers for the built in soundcard, I never had this issue before in 8.1 and thought it was disabled in BIOS, Turns out it wasn't, it was set to 'Auto', setting it to disabled fixed it and stopped windows constantly reinstalling the realtek drivers.

In response to your issues:

A) IE is still there, hidden in the Start Menu somewhere, search for it and it should come up. Should be listed under the 'All Apps' link.
B) As above.
C) Yep that should all still be good, if you find a game that won't work, verifying the game cache should fix it.
D) Can't help there, I use Musicbee and its still here.
E) As a and b, hit the win key and type origin.
F) Going though the Privacy settings is the main one, I doubt WiFi sharing will be an issue as its more aimed at portable devices, laptops and alike.

If you're interested, this is what my start menu looks like at the moment...

Thanks for feedback and info V_R. This is not going too well.

After years feeling comfortable with Win 7 where everything works, I know where everything is, I've solved all problems - suddenly I'm a fish out of water, I feel lost, frustrated and annoyed.

Wassup? Main thing - I have 4 email accounts and only Gmail works, all the others 'are not synced' and I've tried everything I can think of, I've been into each account's sync settings and juggled settings til the cows come home - no go. Sometimes instead of 'not synced' it says 'working on it' well - work a bit bloody harder! :mad:

I was told I had a problem with my Hotmail account (which I've had for years but rarely used) only to find out they've changed their name to Outlook. So I change my user name to @outlook and now Win 10 Mail client tells me the password is wrong. But that password logs me in at Outlook site. Conclusion: Win 10 Mail is S---.

This main machine of mine only gets used for Games; Office and net browsing and activity, nothing else. If Win 10 can't handle email then it's no good to me. And no, I won't use Thunderbird or similar, if Win 10 has a built in mail client I want to use it. And I will not pay all that cash for Outlook, the MS Office mail client.

Things are not there which used to be there, everything is so flippin' BIG. Not the desktop or documents, they're ok, just everything else. For instance, all the icons across the top of MS Word, does anybody know how I reduce software icon sizes?

I feel like hitting somebody and if I haven't solved my e-mail problem very soon I'm going back to Win 7. I'm sure each time MS bring out a new OS they're just different for the sake of being different, just so we think we're getting something worth paying for.

I will back up this Win 10 install first though.

One positive thing: It is definitely faster :)

Right then, just about to disable oodles of stuff following instructions from one of those guides V_R posted up.
I accessed Origin by hitting win key and typing but it wasn't added to the All Apps menu, only way I could make it permanent was pin it to the task bar, same as Steam, that's not in the menu either. Or IE, ConvertXtoDVD, Foxit, Speccy and quite a few others. I don't want a task bar full up, I want a menu that works.

Seriously, every single Linux Distro I've used is easier than this - why?
So I go to make the first adjustment, disabling Wi Fi sense: Settings/Network & Internet/Manage Wi Fi settings..... There is no Wi Fi Settings option :confused:

These are what I can remember I had installed so far, and they're not there:

Internet Explorer (typing it in doesn't bring it up)
Opera Browser
Photoshop CS5
Adobe Lightshop
Cyberlink DVD Player
Foobar Media player
Dix X Video file player/Converter
ConvertX to DVD

Granted, some of those didn't get used much but it was nice to have them there.

And I'll probably think of more.

email accounts still not working.

This really is a disaster.

Tell ya what, my experience of Win 8 was better than this, lol

Goodbye Win 10
Conclusion: Win 10 Mail is S---.
That I agree with you on, I still use Gmail in my web browser. Didn't like the mail app at all.

Things are not there which used to be there, everything is so flippin' BIG. Not the desktop or documents, they're ok, just everything else. For instance, all the icons across the top of MS Word, does anybody know how I reduce software icon sizes?
Resolution scale?
Settings > Display > Set it to 100%?
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Display > ?

Thats the only things I can think of that would change it...

I accessed Origin by hitting win key and typing but it wasn't added to the All Apps menu, only way I could make it permanent was pin it to the task bar, same as Steam, that's not in the menu either. Or IE, ConvertXtoDVD, Foxit, Speccy and quite a few others. I don't want a task bar full up, I want a menu that works.
Thats weird, Try Classic Shell? If nothing else it would be nice to know if it shows up in there, that way you'll know its a W10 issue.

There is no Wi Fi Settings option
Your desktop hasn't got WiFi? :)
F) Going though the Privacy settings is the main one, I doubt WiFi sharing will be an issue as its more aimed at portable devices, laptops and alike.
V_R: I tried the 'view' settings in various software, it only affected the document or whatever the software was dealing with, not the overall size. I mean, everything was HUGE, lol. I dare say there's a setting, somewhere.

I assumed I'd have to set Wi Fi as I'm using the same router as you (The Asus Black Knight I think it is) and my daughter and guests use it's wireless function.

It does look as though Windows Mail is a bit crap doesn't it?

I am now back to Win 7. On reinstall via Acronis True Image MS insisted on checking all of my extra hard disks, which took an hour.

But I've been thinking. I always favoured a fresh install with Win 10, that way I could just reinstall everything I wanted and maybe then they'd show up in the main menu. I only done the upgrade option as I was advised there may be registration problems otherwise.

Well I've upgraded now and presumably MS will be aware of me on their data records. So what I plan to do is a fresh install as I have Win 10 burnt to DVD. Apart from all my frustrations (probably caused by upgrade rather than fresh install) I do rather like the look of Win 10 (Apart from that BIGness). btw, does Win 10 have a Snipping Tool a la Win 7?

So, I've been thinking about upgrading main machine, it's four years old, so maybe I'll wait until then, buy new hardware then do a fresh install of Win 10. I figure if I do that before July 29th 2016 I should be ok with registration for a freebie Win 10. If not - their loss, lol ;)

So that's what I'm going to do, I haven't given up on this thing yet.

I'm owed by a few companies for services rendered and have work this week so when filthy lucre flows my way I think it may be upgrade time (and I do rather fancy a new case as well).

This (main) machine will become bedroom machine and the current bedroom AMD machine (which has never been that great tbh) I have a few friends who'd be grateful for a cheapie.

So that's my plan, this install has been informative :)
Just had an idea about the large size of things.

My vid card output goes to an HDMI splitter feeding both my BenQ 28" monitor and my TV. That's so I can watch films on my TV direct from 4Tb RAID storage.

Win 10 only saw the TV, which has max res a lot lower than the monitor, so maybe it was setting everything to suit that.

On fresh install I will disconnect TV and let the Monitor (1920 x 1080 I believe) become default viewing device, maybe that'll sort it.
btw, does Win 10 have a Snipping Tool a la Win 7?
yes, its in there somewhere. lol.

My vid card output goes to an HDMI splitter feeding both my BenQ 28" monitor and my TV. That's so I can watch films on my TV direct from 4Tb RAID storage.

Win 10 only saw the TV, which has max res a lot lower than the monitor, so maybe it was setting everything to suit that.
That may well be it, unplug the TV and boot up, I had a similar issue now I think about it and I also have my TV connected via HDMI. :)
Abarbarian ... nice smiley, but you miss one criteria where Linux is still abysmal at solving ... Games!

Thought that might give you a chuckle o Barbaric one :D

I am, of course, referring to navigation, those lovely people at MS in Win 10 seem to have done their best to hide everything as far from the user as possible - except for Apps of course, cos they want to sell those to you.

As for games, Ubuntu based Distros will run Steam and will play a surprising amount of games in Linux. From my current roster, probably about 20%.

But as for the other 80%....

Me? As long as it's practicable - Windows for games, Linux for most everything else, suits me.
Ok, this is a cursory component selection, it's 4 years since I bought a system, I am a little out of touch so any comments and suggestions from all people would be very welcome.

The only component I'm 100% about is the CPU, suits my budget, can't afford a 2011 setup.

Maybe I should start a separate thread for this but it is related to the change to Win 10.

New computer 002.webp
Looks pretty good from here Flops. :)

But you could get an i5 and save a few quid.
Abarbarian ... nice smiley, but you miss one criteria where Linux is still abysmal at solving ... Games!


I could not resist. An you are right the poor old penguin still lags behind WS for gaming at the moment. That will change pretty rapidly as more AAA title games are developed for Linux as opposed to being back ported.
Personally I am looking forward to a time when I do not have to use any MS products at all for a whole host of reasons. :cool:

Flops you might want to hold of on putting your hand in your pocket till you have read up on the Skylake platform.
Yes Skylake at the moment hardly holds its own against previous Intel cpu's for gaming and the i7's do run a tad hotter at full pelt.DirectX 12 is a worthwhile addition for future games.They do show a boost for a host of other programs which is not to be sniffed at. The pricing for the whole set up is pretty much the same as the older Intel platforms.

Should I buy the Intel Core i7-6700K or Core i5-6600K?
If you’re looking to buy a new enthusiast/gaming system today then the Core i7-6700K and Core i5-6600K are simply the best choices. They bring new levels of performance and the chipset supports more features, while in some instances power consumption is reduced.

Pricing is also reasonable, with the new chips set to come in at $350 (£299) for the i7-6700K and $243 (£199) for the i5-6600K. That makes them only around £20-£30 more than their predecessors the day before launch, though now the older chips can be picked up for less.

In terms of bang for buck, the 6600K is the clear winner thanks to being 30% cheaper but offering between 80 and 95% the performance (depending on whether the task is multi-threaded or single-threaded).

If, however, you’re looking to upgrade from a Haswell system, or even an Ivy Bridge system, then there’s probably not enough of an increase to warrant the outlay and you can safely stick with what you’ve got for another generation of two.

In fact, perhaps the biggest winners when it comes to the arrival of Skylake will be those looking to get a simple, low cost PC without a discrete graphics card. Skylake provides bags of CPU performance while being economical with its power usage but also then provides enough graphics performance for occasional gaming. You’ll just have to wait until the rest of the Skylake lineup is announced to find out which processor will be the pick of the bunch.

Intel has once again shown it is king of all it surveys when it comes to PC processors. Skylake is set to be the defacto choice for everyone from high-end, enthusiast gamers, to those simply seeking a basic workhorse PC. Of the Intel Core i7-6700K and Core i5-6600K we’d grab the 6600K but both make for excellent options for those looking to get the most out of their PCs, even if you're paying a little extra for the privilege right now.

Prices at Dabs which when I looked were the cheapest supplier, surprisingly. The mobos shown below are higher end and you can get mobos for around thew £100 mark.

Thanks for the heads-up chaps, Skylake i7 is pre-order atm but the Skylake i5 OEM (sans heatsink) 4Ghz is just £200 inc VAT. I like the sound of that.

Will have to get a Socket 1151 board and may as well get DDR4 RAM to go with it.

There's no rush, I have til next July ;)

EDIT: Just followed the DABS link, they're claiming to have it in stock at £290, which is my original price.