It’s becoming too obvious that you guys have a level of knowledge that far
exceeds mine.
After I separated your paragraph into sentences, I’m getting near
comprehending your response, maybe.
Kinda think you guys are on page three while I remain on page one.
Yes, I’m going to research Vista’s Encryption for better comprehension.
At this writing, do not understand how malware has the ability for self
attaching to a file or folder with 256 cipher... apparently malware must have
the ability for self-attaching to Vista's 256 Encrypted OS.
Thank you for your very courteous and patient response.
It’s becoming too obvious that you guys have a level of knowledge that far
exceeds mine.
After I separated your paragraph into sentences, I’m getting near
comprehending your response, maybe.
Kinda think you guys are on page three while I remain on page one.
Yes, I’m going to research Vista’s Encryption for better comprehension.
At this writing, do not understand how malware has the ability for self
attaching to a file or folder with 256 cipher... apparently malware must have
the ability for self-attaching to Vista's 256 Encrypted OS.
Thank you for your very courteous and patient response.