Howard Kaikow
Does Norton Auntie Virus 2006 work with Vista?
Chad Harris said:Given all the excellent choices out there, given One Care's attrributes
well documented on this group, compared with Norton's bloated, buggy cpu
gobbling, ability to screw up on install percentage wise, screw up on
removall percentage wise, has never delivered seamless autoupdates the way
so many others do, why in the world would you want it?
Additionally Norton Internet Security (NIS) has a known significant
interference with Outlook Send/Receive and OE Send/Receive caused by it's
spam checking when OE and OL do an adequate spam filtering job in 03 and an
even better one in 07 on their own. It's solved by unchecking the Norton
box for this in the Norton gui.
Howard said:Does Norton Auntie Virus 2006 work with Vista?
More like when they no longer provide updates to the virus databaseSomething like when the new version is released and you can't buy the old
xfile said:Hi,
Currently 2007 version is not compatible for many reasons, and one
reason is reported here:
PS: I'm not associated with Symantec, just like to learn from various
sources to have a more balanced view, and this is just for reference
which might not be the full reason.
Eric said:More like when they no longer provide updates to the virus database
for earlier version.
Many many softies I know use google to search their own site.
xfile said:Well, again.
As I already mentioned, it may not be the full story.
But I wonder how do you know if the company is equally supporting
other partners?
Do you have any inside story as the some kind of evidence at least I
could provide?
I use NIS and reckon it has many problems but no more than most
complimented Zone Alarm for which I purchased and used for a week and
then returned.
NIS surly is not best program but it does a fine job for me.
Do you have any recent experience on using the software that you
discredited or it's just your assumption?