Gordon's Psychiatrist
Err <sigh> you stand corrected? Err.Bob said:I stand corrected, I do have this folder!
Err <sigh> you stand corrected? Err.Bob said:I stand corrected, I do have this folder!
Gordon said:Wrong - all Vista installations have a "Documents and Settings" JUNCTION
POINT - this is to allow legacy programs to be used on Vista.
Have a look here:
Nothing to do with "annoying" - its there for a purpose - to allow legacy
applications that use the "Documents and Settings" folder (which Vista
doesn't have BTW) to run on Vista.
See here:
Gene E. Bloch said:The OP seemed to find it annoying - or at least worrisome; that's all I
Then he should hide "hidden" files and folders and he won't see it! ;-)
Yes, we (a number of posters in this thread) had agreed on that. I was
trying to reassure the OP that it was harmless, even if it was a bit