Do you think Vista is a breakthrough , comparing to Windows XP ?

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My personal opinion is Vista is an abomination!
Someone decided everything, including the
kitchen sink, needed to be included Vista
instead of trying to design an operating system
that would be efficient and stable. It would be
refreshing if Microsoft could just once put
together a piece of software that REALLY was
their own original work AND it was functional!
Vista is just another effort on the part of Bill
Gates to take over the world, and your mind,
with Windows!
Improvements and new features I have noticed so far :-
01. Aero glass desktop shows transparent folders
02. Ready Boost uses an external card for extra memory, e.g. an SD card
03. Shrink and extend partitions
04. Built-in DVD writer
05. Proper backup
06. Voice input
07. Snipping tool from tablet PC
08. Gadgets showing on left/right side of desktop
09. Built-in Memory Diagnostic Tool at Start, All Programs, Admin Tools
10. Built-in Performance Diagnostic Console at Start, All Programs, Admin
You forgot the most imporant one: The Search Index. If you have a ton of
files, that puppy is worth its weight in diamonds.
It's a small breakthrough from a security standpoint. It will force users
and programmers to use better security. I don't know how much malware costs
the industry but I expect those costs to drop if Vista is widely accepted.
In the end this may be more important than all the fluff.
I really doubt they will. Since when you ever see a manufacturer really
have their own original work? The TV you're using, the comp you're using,
the keyboard you're typing on, are not their original work but rather is
their own way to build a thing that works the same way. It's not like these
things are architecturally the same, but yet that's not their ideas too
right? So I bet you might want to throw out your keyboard and TVs and
Hi .

Do you think that Windows Vista is a breakthrough , comparing to Windows XP
? which extraordinary capabilities does Windows Vista have , that Windows
XP do not ?

For example , does Windows Vista have additional speech capabilities , such
as operating Vista via voice only (eg. I say via microphone "Start , All
programs" etc. and I can select the program I want to use) ?

Thanks in advance ,
Lior .
I would like the egg timer if it were silent until time is up. The constant
clicking is tooooooo annoying. Tick, tick, tick,

at last someone with a BRAIN!!!!

I aggree with you 1000% and I also call it with that exact word...


wow.... pay 250-500 dollars for something you can get for free ?

Search indexers are so many you have to PUT EFFORT on not getting them
Vista was a good idea that EVERYTHING went bad about it....

I hope the next version of windows will be better than this joke of an OS...
Egg timer?

I like the new solitair... the nice icon it has.. That is the most important
application on windows...
and will improve the lives of the whole world....
Personally I like vista much more then xp.

I've always thought of windows as a graphical verson of dos...gues it's a
toss back to the win3.0 days.

But I've found :

The gui is much faster then xp.
I haven't gotten as many lockups thanks to the graphics system.
I have not gotten the blue screen of death once in pre-rc1.
And it is very nice indeed having a search system actually built into the os
and not impossed on top of it.
I love aeros...very nice update from xp, and no it don't look anything like

What I'd really like to see is MC integrated more tightly into the system,
instead of a layer ontop of it.

I'd also like to see ms devolop an os completely before relasing it, without
compromises from the orginal draft.

Say what you will about MS...I hate mega corps with monopolies...but imagine
what it would be like if there were hundreds of os's with no many different versions of the same program would
developers have to make?

At least with the way it is, there is a consistant system...that wll behave
predictably (somewhat) across many differnt configurations.

ok, kinda went off on many tangents...but had to vent.
Apart from the security improvements mentioned in another post, another
promising feature is the I/O prioritisation that's been added to the system.
In previous Windows versions, doing something like defragmenting the hard
drive in a laptop would flood the I/O system, crowding out other I/O, and
making the overall system very unresponsive (at least in my experience).
Background I/O could also sometimes interfere with media playback, leading
to annoying stalls in media playback if the I/O system was especially busy.

In Vista, I/O is prioritised based on thread priority, with a "background"
mode that can be turned on for a process/thread, which reduces the I/O
priority to a very low level. For media playback, I/O bandwidth can also be
reserved, ensuring smooth playback. These should lead to much better overal
system responsiveness, especially with applications that explicitly use the
background mode and/or bandwidth reservation. I'm guessing the defragmenter
already uses background priority, because I'm running it right now, and it's
not really noticeable at all (apart from the noise of the hard drive).
As opposed to what? Do you have an 'official' opinion that is some how different? Are you prone to 'impersonal' opinions?
My personal opinion is
Hi .

Do you think that Windows Vista is a breakthrough , comparing to Windows XP
? which extraordinary capabilities does Windows Vista have , that Windows
XP do not ?

For example , does Windows Vista have additional speech capabilities , such
as operating Vista via voice only (eg. I say via microphone "Start , All
programs" etc. and I can select the program I want to use) ?

Thanks in advance ,
Lior .

I think it has a serious vision problem, and I think they'll have a
tough time selling it as a retail upgrade product. I think that it was
meant to be a whole lot more than it is now, and it was difficult to put
the pieces back together into something cohesive after large chunks of
it were stripped out.

On the surface, it looks very similar to Windows XP. If the memory
requirements are really double, as some people say, it'll be an even
harder sell.

I'm surprised at the learning curve, too. There is one, and the new
Explorer interface looks very cluttered. I wonder how it will be

I'm very interested to see how average users will perceive this upgrade.
Most of the comments you see about Vista are coming from people who have
been following it for awhile. They knew it when it was in bad shape, and
it's starting to get into better shape now. Compared to what it was
before, it's great. But, what will users who are comparing it directly
to XP think?

I will upgrade because I think it looks like a decent platform upgrade.
But, it's hard to sell a platform upgrade :)

Personally, I think Vista is being pushed out the door to get something
out the door... just some kind of baseline on which to build. A year or
two later, you'll get the OS that Vista was supposed to be, and it'll be

This was already available via Windows Desktop Search, which I agree is
incredibly useful. Since it was released, it's become my main method of
interfacing with the system.

But, as I said, I am already using it. And I'm using Windows XP :)

I don't think it's a great XP upgrade, but I wouldn't go that far :)

Its problem seems to be that it's an under-the-covers upgrade as a
foundation for future construction more than an upgrade where all of its
pieces are visible and interactive. I don't know how you would sell
something like that to typical, casual PC users. It'll be interesting to
see what happens.

I think Vista is a worthy evolution of XP.

To begin with i was reluctant to leave a big grey XP screen and in both
32 bit and 64 bit flavours of Vista created an equivalent of XP work
area I was quite used to working in.

I can't say I have used either very often and Aero effects with the rest
of Vista UI (even at beta 2 stage) are fantastic.

I enjoy (much against my original reaction) the working environment that
Vista encapsulates