Come on Zepphead - you are stringing us along with this one - tell th
now - I am sure you know why your posts are laid out in this fashion -
because that's how you like to do them ;-) ;-)
"zepphead" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message
NoNoBadDog! Wrote:
"zepphead" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message
last week i turnd on pc and a bubble,
poped up saying unable to connect
to internet lan line unpluged,so i started
to cheaqe wiers and modem,device manager,config,ping,
everything working properly eathernet,so i restore,
phoned veriuos help lines,no luck. yesterday took pc to
pc world for health cheaqe,we saw him open pc up and
test it,he said it is working?? he said make backups and then
insert restore disc..that should fix it,,it didnt so i had a mess
with it and used the usb conection lan location 2..
i still get icon in tray..somone said i had to mutch stuff runing
in the back ground even winblinds and that nockd the port off line??
any replys wellcome,,,
thanks for your time..cheers..
Please post back using things like punctuation, spelling, etc.
Your post is difficult to red because of your lack of the above.
thanks bobby.
firstly i dont,know why there are big gaps between sentences? like
after i click enter? so i am useing the 4 pointers to move curser.
now last week when i turned on my pc,an icon appeard in the taskbar.
it was 2 moniter screnes with a X over them when i paused over it,
it said,,,local area conection a network cable is unpluged..?
so i looked at my cables(ethier)from the pc to the modem.
it looked fine to i did a system restore nothing changed.
then i ran, norton anti virus,xsofty,adware,windows defender,
nothing changed.then i looked at, device manager,it said,
this device is working properly?then i phoned my sevice provider.
he did a ping test??the he did a config run command,he said,do
a run my registry backup.still nothing happend,i did a norton g
still no i took pc to pc world.the man there opened up pc,
ran a few tests,then said it is working??he sugested make back ups,
then boot it up with manufacturas restore disk,,it still didnt fi
then i saw the USB conection and tryed that....BINGO...
NUMBER 2 conection or is it LAN conection,now the man in pc world.
said i had to many programs running in the back ground and they,
could of knoced it of the port?? well thats all folks...thanks..
still dont know what happend..............