Do I smell a revolution?

I didn't actually realise we gave loads of countries financial aid, can we afford it? Seems odd, what with all the rather drastic cuts going on in the UK.
It's a funny old world, politics/schmolitics ;)

Yup. We give aid to India and Pakistan, both of which build missiles and have nuclear programmes. And to Saudi Arabia !

And, until recently, China !!

Can we afford it? Well, of course, it's someone else's money. :o
I didn't actually realise we gave loads of countries financial aid, can we afford it? Seems odd, what with all the rather drastic cuts going on in the UK. And we still owe the USA about twenty trillion for saving our butts in WW2.

It's a funny old world, politics/schmolitics ;)

The government is expected to freeze the level of assistance given to India at £295m ($480m) a year. But why does a nuclear power with its own space programme need British aid?

The Indian military has conducted nuclear tests, the country operates its own space programme and, according to Forbes magazine, it has more billionaires than the UK.
Moreover, India is itself a foreign aid donor, providing more than £300m ($500m) to poorer countries in 2008.


Britain is run by total morons

I think we completed the payments for Lease Lend to the USA for WW2 about 6 years ago(it could have been 4 years ago), BUT because of the Wall St crash in the 1920's we never completed the payments on the cash and equipment owed to the USA because of the financial crisis and also because of WW2 it got forgotten about by both countries as we hadn't paid since the late 1920's :thumb:.