Do I have to pay for Vista Ultimate to play a VOB file?

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Ken Blake said:
That is *not* correct. Doing so does cause some programs to
malfunction. For example, the installation of Adobe Reader 8 will
fail. And when it fails, it fails mysteriously, without giving you any
information about why it didn't get installed.

In addition programs that were installed with UAC on may no longer work
because they were using the virtual file or virtual registry features of
Yes, I'm back here again tryiong to figure out how to play a goddamn VOB file
on my PC. A task that was *simple* with XP is now tremendously complex (if
not downright impossible) with Vista. It must be the DRM crap.

I've given up. Microsoft has won. I have reached the point where I will
actually pay more money in order to view my VOB files. I'm tired of wasting
time on this problem.

I'm currently a Vista Business user. As I understand, Microsoft was too cheap
to bundle the VOB codec with Vista Business and only bundles it with Vista
Ultimate or Vista Home Premium.

Please someone tell me, if I pay Microsoft the extra money to upgrade from
Vista Business to Vista Ultimate, will I be able to play VOB files again? or
do I actually have to downgrade my PC to XP in order to play VOB files?

Yes, Microsoft, you have won and I have lost. You took my money when you
"upgraded" (your word, not mine) my PC from XP to Vista, and now I will have
to pay you even more money to get some of the XP features back.

[Yes, I know I could run Linux instead and I even have a Linux box that plays
all of my videos in all of my formats just fine without constantly
splattering my screen with UAC diarrhea, but call me a sado-masochist, I
still want to run a Windows OS]

Please Microsoft take more of my money (I know you have piles and piles of
money already but you must need even more of mine) and let me use my computer

Start winning again and run linux, or try finding a VOB codec online you
can purchase/download. It would probably be a more affordable option
than upgrading to Vista Ultimate.

If you were to provide more information about the message you receive
that tells you you cannot play the VOB file, we might also be able to do
more to help. Good luck.

Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"Spoken like a true NixTurd (oops, NixTard)."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot
I don't know how to make this any clearer.... I WAS READY TO GIVE MY FRICKIN
MONEY TO MICROSOFT TO UPGRADE TO ULTIMATE. All I wanted to know is whether,
even after Microsoft had extorted my additional money, it would play videos.
Is this a closely guarded secret? This was one of the supposed benefits of
Vista was that I can upgrade from Business to Ultimate, was it not?

Yet no, nobody even seems able to tell me if Ultimate can even play VOB video

One rebel in this group let a secret slip through and recommended an
OpenSource program "Media Player Classic". My problem is solved! Microsoft
has no hold over me. I actually have a program that not only works when WMP
does not, but is actually BETTER and SIMPLER TO USE.

Three cheers for open source!!!!!!! Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!

Now if there was only an opensource alternative to UAC and WINDOWS UPDATE.

Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"Spoken like a true NixTurd (oops, NixTard)."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot
I dont know if this will help, but I found a complete codec package for
vista that I downloaded in order for me to play simple .avi's ...maybe it
includes the VOB codec too.

Here is the link:-[/a]

good luck

Nina DiBoy said:
Yes, I'm back here again tryiong to figure out how to play a goddamn VOB
file on my PC. A task that was *simple* with XP is now tremendously
complex (if not downright impossible) with Vista. It must be the DRM

I've given up. Microsoft has won. I have reached the point where I will
actually pay more money in order to view my VOB files. I'm tired of
wasting time on this problem.

I'm currently a Vista Business user. As I understand, Microsoft was too
cheap to bundle the VOB codec with Vista Business and only bundles it
with Vista Ultimate or Vista Home Premium.

Please someone tell me, if I pay Microsoft the extra money to upgrade
from Vista Business to Vista Ultimate, will I be able to play VOB files
again? or do I actually have to downgrade my PC to XP in order to play
VOB files?

Yes, Microsoft, you have won and I have lost. You took my money when you
"upgraded" (your word, not mine) my PC from XP to Vista, and now I will
have to pay you even more money to get some of the XP features back.
[Yes, I know I could run Linux instead and I even have a Linux box that
plays all of my videos in all of my formats just fine without constantly
splattering my screen with UAC diarrhea, but call me a sado-masochist, I
still want to run a Windows OS]

Please Microsoft take more of my money (I know you have piles and piles
of money already but you must need even more of mine) and let me use my
computer again.

Start winning again and run linux, or try finding a VOB codec online you
can purchase/download. It would probably be a more affordable option than
upgrading to Vista Ultimate.

If you were to provide more information about the message you receive that
tells you you cannot play the VOB file, we might also be able to do more
to help. Good luck.

Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"Spoken like a true NixTurd (oops, NixTard)."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot
Terrible. I hadn't even noticed I'm using vista HP. I play VOB's with many 3rd party utils. I can think of 3 programs just on my machine. Nero showtime, Virtualdub, and virtualdubmod. The last 2 are FREE. they're also editors.
I've given up. Microsoft has won. I have reached the point where I will
actually pay more money in order to view my VOB files. I'm tired of
wasting time on this problem.

I'm currently a Vista Business user. As I understand, Microsoft was too
cheap to bundle the VOB codec with Vista Business and only bundles it
with Vista Ultimate or Vista Home Premium.

Please someone tell me, if I pay Microsoft the extra money to upgrade
from Vista Business to Vista Ultimate, will I be able to play VOB files
again? or do I actually have to downgrade my PC to XP in order to play
VOB files?

Yes, Microsoft, you have won and I have lost. You took my money when you
"upgraded" (your word, not mine) my PC from XP to Vista, and now I will
have to pay you even more money to get some of the XP features back.
[Yes, I know I could run Linux instead and I even have a Linux box that
plays all of my videos in all of my formats just fine without constantly
splattering my screen with UAC diarrhea, but call me a sado-masochist, I
still want to run a Windows OS]

Please Microsoft take more of my money (I know you have piles and piles
of money already but you must need even more of mine) and let me use my
computer again.

Start winning again and run linux, or try finding a VOB codec online you
can purchase/download. It would probably be a more affordable option than
upgrading to Vista Ultimate.

If you were to provide more information about the message you receive that
tells you you cannot play the VOB file, we might also be able to do more
to help. Good luck.

Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"Spoken like a true NixTurd (oops, NixTard)."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot
In addition programs that were installed with UAC on may no longer work
because they were using the virtual file or virtual registry features of

You're absolutely right. I tried a quick test by turning off UAC, and trying
an app that wasn't vista aware. Any data files it had written off of \program
files\ disappeared with UAC off.

I'm surprised more people don't realize this as I've received the "just turn
UAC off if you don't like it" advice many times.
You're absolutely right. I tried a quick test by turning off UAC, and
an app that wasn't vista aware. Any data files it had written off of
files\ disappeared with UAC off.

I'm surprised more people don't realize this as I've received the "just
UAC off if you don't like it" advice many times.

If you reinstall the program with UAC off then copy the data from the
virtual store it will fix the problem but it is something to consider before
turning off UAC.
For every misinformed post here about "just turning UAC off if you don't
like it", there are 5 that will tell you that "if you don't know what you
are doing, leave UAC alone".

Unfortunately, as you have found out, there are many who "think" they know
more than they actually do. These people are bitten on the as* and don't
know why it happened.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!