Do I have to buy another copy of XP


Brian Coats

I think this is a better fix. Have all computer come with a
preinstalled full retail version. But with No support through

Have a Full Retail version for sale with support extra. (At an oem
price) All operating systems not just xp.

Microsoft charges oem very little to buy that disk.

If Microsoft release a special full retail version of different
operating systems. For $50.00 each os and take money orders as well.

In one year the could make a ton of money.



From a fellow running 5 pc's but only has the one 98SE disk, you gonna run
me down also? If so, think hard before you do as it's a trick question :)

Gotcha beat - I've got five computers and NO Windows CD's. :blush:)

Brian Coats

Alot of people here don't use a real name. I already made the
suggestion using my real name at the ms website. Big deal.

Brian Coats

Why isn't it your real name. Your opinion is worthless then.

You can complain to MS and they'll stop selling the software to =
softwareguy so he can't sell to others. Ditto Walmart as a mouse is not =
sufficient. This is part of the licence agreement between MS and the =


4.1 If the enclosed Software Unit consists of a desktop operating =
system, Microsoft grants to you a

nonexclusive right to distribute each Software Unit, provided it is =
distributed accompanied with either a fully

assembled computer system or nonperipheral computer hardware component =
(that will be an integral part of

the computer system on which the Software Unit will be installed). A =
fully assembled computer system shall

consist of at least a central processing unit, a motherboard, a hard =
drive, a power supply, and a case.

4.2 If the enclosed Software Unit consists of application or server =
software, Microsoft grants to you a

nonexclusive right to distribute each Software Unit, provided it is =
distributed only with a fully assembled

computer system.

4.3 Each Software Unit must be distributed pursuant to the End-User =
License Agreement that accompanies

the Software Unit. Under the terms of the EULA you are the licensor.

Brian Coats said:
However, Microsoft I don=92t think could enforce it in court because
the allow oem sales without hardware.
=20 No hardware at all.
=20 xp oem with Just a mouse. =20
A lot of other places do too.
I thought once as you did. =20
Microsoft should of put on the outside of the carton. The exact
restrictions on how an oem can be sold and used. This way everyone
can read it before being sold.
Unfortunately. I got windows 98 oem. Which I cant legally install
until I get a license for it. I didn=92t know nothing about the
restrictions until I saw it in the windows 98 group. The company
would not refund my money. I paid $89.00 for nothing. The softway
guy also said I didn=92t need a coa. He said the license is on the
disk. I even called the softway guy and he told me the sale was
legal. That=92s a big joke.=20
I even got one computer person to tell me. The full retail xp version
can not be removed and put on another computer-hehe (Trying to sell
the oem)
You windows 98 question.
If you have the retail version, you may remove it from one computer
to another computer. Unless you have an a special License to install
it on more that one system.
I willing to pay Microsoft License to use my 98se oem.
Brian Coats
(Note not my real name)

David Candy

Scum like you often talk like this. It just shows a complete lack of ethics.

Brian Coats said:
Alot of people here don't use a real name. I already made the
suggestion using my real name at the ms website. Big deal.

Brian Coats


Alot of people here don't use a real name. I already made the suggestion
using my real name at the ms website. Big deal.

Brian Coats

The validity of an argument depends on whether you supply your real name?

David Candy

Yes. I know expecting computer people to understand ethics is difficult. I once, for the safety of the public (overheard something), had to dob a person on remand for attempted murder to the police. The police wanted me to be anonymous. But that is utter evil. So I did it publicly and there were consequences.

Countries with secret police like china have people secretly inform. If you won't put your name to it then don't say nothing.

For instance nothing published publicly can be anonymous. 1961 the law last revised in england, 1983 in NZ are two examples.

Unless you like crime, spam, virus attacks, and terrorism everything and everybody needs to be accountable.

Brian Coats

To David
Myself and Pcr does not use his real name and he is a mvp.
Luckystrike is another.

Actual If you read and listen to the news. The tell you not to
use your full name or real name on Newsgroups, Irc, chat website.
They even tell you hide your name as much as possible. I was just
following Net Safety advice. And even tell you to sign up for a web
based email to keep your isp email private.

I not being a jerk.

David Is you name alex or wade my post was directed at them not you?

Brian Coats

Brian Coats

You didn't read my post clearly.

I basically agreed that you cant transfer oems from on machine to
another. I also agree that the oem sale from the are
also invalid.

There is where the problem is-Microsoft Allowing Companies to sell oem
with just a mouse or no hardware. It easy to find all over the web.

The debate is ongoing whether the purchase of any Operating system Oem
with just hardware like a mouse is legal. Like

I legally cant install the windows 98 second edition oem. I bought
from the computer guy. I am waiting to see if I can get a license
through a third party. So I can legally use windows 98. I hate
throwing $89.00 in the trash.

No but as you were wtong in what you thought I'd thought I'd give you =
the proof.

Brian Coats said:
To David
Myself and Pcr does not use his real name and he is a mvp.
Luckystrike is another.
Actual If you read and listen to the news. The tell you not to
use your full name or real name on Newsgroups, Irc, chat website.
They even tell you hide your name as much as possible. I was just
following Net Safety advice. And even tell you to sign up for a web
based email to keep your isp email private.
I not being a jerk. =20
David Is you name alex or wade my post was directed at them not you?
Brian Coats

David Candy

That's my point. They're not allowed to sell OEM with a mouse. And they'll get in trouble if you report them.

"with either a fully assembled computer system or nonperipheral computer hardware component". That means a mouse isn't good enough.

The reasoning behind selling it with some hardware is that newer hardware may require a newer OS to work. A MS OEM Product manager told me a mouse is not good enough (15 months ago)..
Brian Coats said:
You didn't read my post clearly.

I basically agreed that you cant transfer oems from on machine to
another. I also agree that the oem sale from the are
also invalid.

There is where the problem is-Microsoft Allowing Companies to sell oem
with just a mouse or no hardware. It easy to find all over the web.

The debate is ongoing whether the purchase of any Operating system Oem
with just hardware like a mouse is legal. Like

I legally cant install the windows 98 second edition oem. I bought
from the computer guy. I am waiting to see if I can get a license
through a third party. So I can legally use windows 98. I hate
throwing $89.00 in the trash.


Alex Nichol

David said:
If the enclosed Software Unit consists of a desktop operating system, Microsoft grants to you a

nonexclusive right to distribute each Software Unit, provided it is distributed accompanied with either a fully

assembled computer system or nonperipheral computer hardware component (that will be an integral part of

the computer system on which the Software Unit will be installed).

It is though just another bit of very sloppy wording: on that, an IDE
cable, or an audio cable to go to a sound card would qualify

David Candy

True. And what happens if people start using solid state (or whatever technology without a motor) hard drives. Won't be a computer. That was my first thought.

And the whole idea has been to allow hardware support. Yet it's far more likely that people need to upgrade for something they plug in (esp with firewire/usb et al) than rebuilding the guts.


-----Original Message-----
Yes. I know expecting computer people to understand
ethics is difficult. I once, for the safety of the public
(overheard something), had to dob a person on remand for
attempted murder to the police. The police wanted me to be
anonymous. But that is utter evil. So I did it publicly
and there were consequences.
Countries with secret police like china have people
secretly inform. If you won't put your name to it then
don't say nothing.
For instance nothing published publicly can be anonymous.
1961 the law last revised in england, 1983 in NZ are two
Unless you like crime, spam, virus attacks, and terrorism
everything and everybody needs to be accountable.

Even CDO trolls like me? PMSL!


Quote=I bought A Full oem Version of windows HomeEdition XP and
install it on one computer Can i reinstall the Same version on
Second or reactive or do I have to buy another copy of XP Home?



tikia said:
Quote=I bought A Full oem Version of windows HomeEdition XP and I
install it on one computer Can i reinstall the Same version on a
Second or reactive or do I have to buy another copy of XP Home?

You need to buy a second copy of the operating system.



tikia said:
Quote=I bought A Full oem Version of windows HomeEdition XP and I
install it on one computer Can i reinstall the Same version on a

Not if you don't want to.
or reactive or do I have to buy another copy of XP Home?

Not if you don't want to.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


You break copyright laws and are in breach of contract with regards to
the EULA.


Asher_N said:

You break copyright laws

Not if it's for your own private use. Copyright only apples to PUBLIC
publishing or use.
and are in breach of contract with regards to
the EULA.

A contract that you can't read until you imstal the software is not
enforceable, and to date has NOT been enforced.

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