.. --------------------------------------
Mike Richter, were you born with
"Scam Artist" emblazoned on your face?
(No Mikey S-lickers have been able to prove ANY of the above is a LIBEL)
( -- despite Mikey claimed to have proof of misquotes !! )
Coup (Mikey S-licker) slurped:
Stop that slurping, sicko!
Are you coming, sicko?
Did you get ecstatic seeing this Mikey's spew, sicko?
Mike Richter is a LIAR (dvd-ram/dead)
Mike Richter (Slimy Friggin Shit) splattered (6/11/05):
DVD-RAM makes sense for specific applications
Isn't DVD-RAM dead or obsolete yet?
From: Mike Richter (Slimy Friggin SOB)
Date: 10/23/03
DVD-RAM discs/drives would be something to investigate - the
DVD-RAM format was designed from the ground up as a rewritable
data storage medium. You can format the discs and access them
as a removable drive without any special software.
For better or for worse, DVD-RAM appears to be dead. Recognizing
that every format will fall out of favor eventually, there's
little sense in setting up a system based on an obsolete one.