"korny" just keeps on morphing and dancing:
I would start with a 24" cable with the middle
connector at the controller. That would give
2 segments - one 8" long, the other 16" long -
and the distance between HDs could range
up to 24". Otherwise, I'd give a 36" cable
a try. One way to see if the length of the cable
has affected the error rate is to do a cloning
of a single partition from one HD to another -
first using a shorter cable, then using the longer
cable. The 2 HDs may be temporarily placed
closer together for this test with care given to
maintaining adequate cooling air flow.
As for putting the middle connector on the controller, that
is seldom a solution, just makes what was already too short,
ever shorter.
Nonsense. The original poster's stated problem was
the distance between two HDs, *not* the distance
between the controller and either of the HDs. With a
24" cable, one segment would be 16", the other would
be 8". So one of his HDs could be 16" from the controller,
the other HD could be 8" from the controller, and the HDs
could be almost 24" apart. In *my* PC, that would work
out quite well, and it might very well work out for the
original poster.
I can randomly grab a flat cable and expect it to work fine
after moving a connector.
On April 5th in this thread you wrote:
"Some connectors are more brittle than others, I
have a fairly good success rate but occasionally do crack
one so I wouldn't recommend it if one only has a single
cable they *need* to use."
You didn't sound so certain then. But now you "expect it
to work fine". Did you change your mind again? That's
another sign of Alzheimer's, Korny.